Good evening;
I inherited a pair of swords from my Grandfather who was part of the occupation postwar.
The first sword is in traditional fittings and is about 30 inches in length. I've been told that my Grandfather unfortunately used the sword for cutting weeds and it has nicks, grime, faded polish and rust because of it.
I would greatly appreciate any help translating the signature as well as any other information about the sword or care for it to prevent further damage.
One day I would like to send the blade off to a professional for polish and repair but given what I've read about $$/" that day is awhile off.
Happy to take and provide additional pictures as requested.
The second I believe is an army Type 19 Kyu Gunto parade sword; from what little I've read I'm guessing it's not worth trying to remove the grips to look for a signature or other information?