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Everything posted by DTM72

  1. Blade shape, nakago shape and color. Generally, the darker the black color is on the nakago (tang) the older it is. The color on yours is a very light black.
  2. I'm all the way down in Charleston, SC. but would be willing to make the drive, if possible.
  3. I bought a tanto from smallsword on ebay. Same guy?
  4. Looks like a match to Showa smith. Kanekado Submitted by kazarena on Mon, 2007-05-14 19:13 兼門 [Help] ☆ 昭和︱ 岐阜県 Yoshida Kanekado ID KAN1077 Name Kanekado Province Gifu Era Shōwa (1926-1989) Active Period 1926-1989 Teacher Kaneaki Lineage Image / Interactive Source Rating Reference/Page Hawley 8 KAN1077 Signatures: 関住吉田兼門 seki ju yoshida kanekado (kokuin)
  5. As of right now, I plan on having a table or two at the National Gun Day in February 2021...that is if Biden doesn't shut the country down for 6 weeks, as he says he will do.
  6. Do you dates of that show? Looking forward to meeting you as well.
  7. As Geraint stated "Takada no ju Kunihisa" 高田住國久
  8. I am trying to figure out why some saya have both slots, some have only one, and others have none. I personally have not seen a katana with both, but I have seen katana with just a kozuka and I own one Edo period katana saya with just a kogai slot. I have seen wakizashi and tanto with nothing, with just a kozuka and with kozuka and kogai. Was there ever any method to the madness or was it based more upon the samurais' personal needs? I do understand that the katana was not normally worn indoors, so accessories would be less useful when relaxing, eating, drinking, etc. so it makes sense that the katana would not bear these items. Someone educate me, please!
  9. I never knew about the Yahoo Auctions - Japan thing...or buyee or any of the other bidding sites like that. Upon initial look, it seems like most sellers on there will not ship outside of Japan. Am I seeing it correctly?
  10. I guess I really don't know how they are originally made. Are the pockets carved from the inside of the saya, then a thin piece is added to the inside to separate the kogatana from touching the blade of the sword? Is it all carved from the outside, then a piece is added with heavy lacquer to cover the split lines...IDK. I have seen many videos on saya and shira-saya making, but I have never viewed a video that included the addition of accessory slots.
  11. Is it possible to add a Kozuka or Kogai slot to an existing saya? If so, who in the US is capable of performing such a task. Cheers!
  12. I chatted with Bob Elder today, and he is planning a show for July of 2021!
  13. OK, what is Catawiki?
  14. DTM72

    Kantei of Tanto

    I appreciate your guess. Thank you!
  15. DTM72

    Kantei of Tanto

    Static Pics
  16. DTM72

    Kantei of Tanto

    John, I see alot of similarities in the hada of both of our blades. Your hamon appears more of a soft velvet. My hamon is more of a dull mist. To me, the shape and the gentle gunome hamon point to Mino. Compared to 98% of others on here, my knowledge is lacking. I come here seeking knowledge and more expert advice. Your thoughts and inputs are greatly appreciated!
  17. DTM72

    Kantei of Tanto

    Correct, no sori at all. The mune is perfectly straight until it is near the kissaki.
  18. DTM72

    Kantei of Tanto

    I had someone message me that it appears to be Mino style. I am really lost on this one.
  19. Would love to know the answer to this question as well.
  20. DTM72

    Kantei of Tanto

    I agree that is was repurposed. The hamon clearly goes far into the nakago.
  21. DTM72

    Kantei of Tanto

    I am looking for help on determining what I actually have. Rather than post my guesses and ideas, I'll just post facts that may help in determination of what school and age. Nagasa : 285mm (11 1/4") Nakago : 89mm (3 1/2") Motohaba : 29.7mm (1 3/16") Motokasane : 7.6mm (5/16") Polished Tanto.mp4
  22. Although I stated welding as a possible reason for the grinding of the nakago, Bruce and Stephen have mentioned the fitting of the tsuka. Normally when a tang is welded to another sword, it is an attempt to fool someone into believing a well known smith has made that particular blade. I don't see this as the case here and would have to lean more towards a hasty attempt to piece together some fittings to make a complete assembly. Maybe the grinding was to get the tsuka to fit. As mentioned, the aluminum tsuka is not a normal thing to find on this type of blade so they found a way to make it fit. I agree with others that this blade is NOT worth getting a professional polish costing 1000's of dollars. If ya love it, keep it and enjoy it for what it is.
  23. To me, it appears that the nakago has been welded on. The odd grinding above the mukugi-ana and the shape of the nakago getting narrow in the area of grinding looks suspect to me.
  24. I had a table set-up this weekend in Myrtle Beach, SC. at a gun and knife show. My main goal was to have my original nihonto on display as well as some reproduction items, in hopes of finding the "my grandfather gave me one of those" or "I have one like this, if I bring it to you can you tell me more it?" I ended up selling almost everything. My 2 matchlocks did not sell, but I priced them very high, not wanting to sell them. All the above being said, I am keeping my eyes on the Ohio Valley Military Society Show of Shows in Louisville Kentucky in late February...as mentioned in my first post.
  25. Does anyone have any information as to Florida Token-Kai, Shinsa, or Nihonto shows for 2021? Just trying to plan my 2021 travel. I'm located in South Carolina, so ANY shows in Florida, Georgia, North or South Carolina are of interest. I may be going to the Ohio Valley Military Society Show of Shows in Louisville, KY. Feb 17-21. I haven't been there in 6 years, but it is a huge show of military antiques, with plenty of Nihonto to be found. On the same weekend, in an adjoining convention center, is the National Gun Day. I have found quite a few nihonto there amongst the guns. Thanks to all in advance!
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