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Everything posted by DTM72

  1. I'm actually leaning more towards the kinsuji causing the island like appearances. See additional pics from Grey Doffin below.
  2. Ken, I believe uchinoke appear above the hamon, above the nie line as a crescent moon island of nie. My blade has these same little islands of nie, not necessarily crecent shaped, within the hamon. It is possible the the nie in the valley (tani) of the hamon became very wide, and was intersected by kinsuji (darker in appearance) causing the island like appearance. Just a guess. Needless to say, I'm fascinated by this blade. MANY THANKS to Mr. Grey Doffin for selling this beautiful blade to me. I look forward to more purchases from him in the future.
  3. Sunagashi is apparent on this blade as well, but that is found higher in the hamon and in the ji. "Raked sand" I could accept kinsuji since there seems to be a black line cutting through the nioi line separating the line into separate pieces.
  4. I am familiar with uchinoke (打除け), the short crescent 🌙 moons over the hamon. What if those little crescent moons are below the nioi line, suspended in the hamon? Would that be yō (葉) or possibly abu no me (虻の目).
  5. It can only go forward a tiny bit. The flash pan prevents it from going forward and out. The forward end of the stock should go downward, while the barrel is stationary.
  6. "Enquiring minds want to know....I want to know."
  7. I was unable to see any of their items for sale. Links are broken.
  8. Going through some of my old reference material last night, I found a 1999 catalog from Fred Lohman and also a 2001 D.R. Langenbacker reproduction Tsuba catalog. Damn, I'm getting old.
  9. I don't see why Showa22 wouldn't reply. Says something about his character if he doesn't. In my opinion, Showa22 made his money. He shouldn't care if the buyer makes a deal with you. Just my worthless .02 cents. Best of luck to you.
  10. I appreciate the replies. Domo Arigato.
  11. Keep in mind, Fuuten, this is an auction item. As of this moment, it has one bid at 250,000 yen but still 6 days remaining. I would imagine that the bids will go up on the last day or two. That seems to be the trend on that, and most other auctions. I agree with you, it is a beautiful piece.
  12. Are you saying to contact them on Facebook, or look for the parts I need I Facebook?
  13. I've been trying to contact Lohman for some buffalo horn pieces and replacement kozuka blades, but I'm getting no replies to emails or phone messages. Have they closed-up shop?
  14. Jussi, I appreciate the different outlook on the signature. I am guessing that this particular Kanesaki must not have been well known at all. His work seems to be good, to my very simple eyes. Just wishing I could find more information. Thanks again Jussi!
  15. Crazy timing on my part then. I just got a new computer, and my bookmarked links to sites went down with the old computer. When I got the new one up and running, I could not find his website. I thought it was some website security feature of the new computer being overly cautious. I wish Ed well, and look forward to his site being back up and running.
  16. Inshu, Geishu, Sesshu, but no Hoshu to be found anywhere. I am guessing that Ueno is the town in Hoshu. When I search for Ueno, I find references to Tokyo, which is far from Hoshu / Buzen. I'm completely lost!
  17. I lost my quick links to websites, and I'm now unable to find the nihonto website "Yakiba". I believe they were in the USA somewhere, but cannot find them now. Is there website still up and running, or just a problem on my end? Link to their website is greatly appreciated! Thanks, Dan
  18. Maybe reach out to Showa22 and see if he will give the buyer your contact information. It would then be up to the buyer to contact you, if he wants a quick profit from his recent purchase. Wishing you luck. Dan
  19. The part that is throwing me off is Hoshu Ueno Ju. I have found Kanesaki from other regions, but not this particular smith. Stephen, you are correct, this is from Grey.
  20. Was in the process of changing that. Should be good now.
  21. I just purchased a wakizashi from a great dealer, that is also on this site. He has offered all the info he has available, but even that is limited. I have searched JSSUS database and Nihonto Club as well. Nothing seems to match this smith. Can anyone find anything about him? HoShu Ueno Ju Kanesaki 豊州上野住兼先
  22. Gentlemen, I don't think this materialized as the dates were back in 2015. As mentioned before, I am located in Charleston, SC. Nothing says we can't arrange something on our own. Columbia is midway between Charleston and Greenville, SC. Shannon, you are welcome to join as well. I know an avid collector in Myrtle Beach who would probably attend. Maybe we could all agree to meet somewhere for display of what we have, buy, sell, trade, discuss, etc. Thoughts? Ideas? Let's get something going.
  23. Thank you for the updated info Mark. I look forward to attending!
  24. Mito?
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