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Everything posted by DTM72

  1. Bruce, Did you catch the small stamp on the Kanenori from the same seller? I've seen it only a few times, and don't recall what it is. https://www.ebay.com/itm/164849737521?hash=item2661cf5f31:g:M-wAAOSwb0hgkctf
  2. Unfortunately, someone took a buffer to it. Kimonjo!
  3. Hey, I said that already! Chameloon, that is now two people pointing you towards the same sword. This could be the one for you!
  4. I have had great dealings with Grey and Mark. Might I suggest this offering from them: https://www.japaneseswordbooksandtsuba.com/store/swords/s125-mumei-tachi-tokubetsu-hozon-tegai-kanekiyo
  5. From what I can read, the sword was certified on Reiwa 2 Year 11th month 9th day (令和 二 年 十一月 九日) Pretty recent certification. The punched dots are the date of submission 02202009 02 day 2020 year 09 month. Where it gets interesting is the sword is stamped with Showa Shi Nen Hachi Gatsu Go Hi. (昭和 四 年 ハ月 五日) August 5, 1929. The paper lists the way it was signed, but in the parentheses below it they list Showa Shi Ju Shichi Nen Something...1972. I honestly don't know the last symbol in parentheses. Another interesting note is the stamp on the lower left also has Showa 47 Nen 9 Gatsu 21 Hi. Sept. 21st, 1972 Very interesting stuff here. I am hoping someone with a much better understanding can enlighten both of us. I am now officially intrigued. Dan
  6. The top pic is upside down. Starting from the top left of the bottom pic. Ichi =1 Shi = 4 San = 3 Go = 5 Can't really tell what the bottom right is. Basically the numbers are an assembly number. Follow the link below to understand the numbers. http://www.japaneseswordindex.com/kanji/nengo.htm
  7. Someone must have liked it. She is sold.
  8. BTW...Great editing skills Brian. Very impressive how you took our pics and made a side-by-side comparison.
  9. Wow...that does appear to be the same! Currently, it is in shira-saya. See attached pics below. I purchased from Mark and Grey, and they gave me a great deal. Can't say enough good things about both of them. Grey Doffin : https://www.japaneseswordbooksandtsuba.com/ Mark Jones : nixe@bright.net
  10. Having some trouble translating the kanji on a Meiji era katana. Th ura is signed Minamoto Kaneharu Saku. The Omote is signed with 4 characters. The first is Oka, second is fuku, third and 4th I need help with. Oka fuku would translate to "give luck", and I'm guessing the 3rd and 4th are a name. There are 4-5 possible variations of #3, and I can't find anything close to #4. Thanks in advance! Dan
  11. Wow. Absolutely beautiful.
  12. Brian, I think you are correct. I am NOT familiar with that style of tanto, but after reading the previous topics it appears to be a rare style. The one that is up for auction does not appear to be an old piece. The signature looks terrible as well.
  13. Add to that, the seller is "Asianswordsdirect"
  14. What kind of wanna be ninja wanna-be sword is this? If you look at the pics, there are two different nakago shapes and two different kissaki shapes. I really hope people don't fall for this junk, thinking they are getting actual nihonto. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Japanese-Samurai-Katana-Uchigatana-13/174732736887?hash=item28aee1f977:g:~noAAOSwL0Zgd5nV Maybe a yoroi-doshi prison shank? https://www.ebay.com/itm/Japanese-yoroi-d-shi-extra-thick-tant-4/174732780081?hash=item28aee2a231:g:ZycAAOSwUkxgd6fe
  15. Looks like a good match to Kaneuji. http://www.japaneseswordindex.com/oshigata/kaneuji3.jpg
  16. DTM72


    The three I quoted is all I could find on the Nihonto Club website. Please feel free to post links to additional information about the other 5 smiths.
  17. DTM72


    There were a few different generations that used the same signature. Hope this helps. https://nihontoclub.com/smiths/YAS907 https://nihontoclub.com/smiths/YAS908 https://nihontoclub.com/smiths/YAS912
  18. https://nihontoclub.com/smiths/MOR850 Maybe this one?
  19. Mark, Do you have a website of items for sale, outside of NMB? EDIT...Sorry, just saw that you partner with Grey...I know his site very well. Thanks!
  20. I thought the same thing.
  21. Ouch! Not what I was expecting, but thank you for your contribution.
  22. It looks like the bisen plug has been well used. (Slightly rounded) Very happy that my encouragement helped you to separate the barrel from the stock. You have a nice signature on yours. When I opened mine for the first time, mine was partially corroded away...but still able to be seen.
  23. I would like to begin by saying the transaction was smooth and easy. When I received the sword, I can confirm that the posted pics were great, but the sword was even better in person! Many thanks to you Grey, for a VERY happy customer. I will always keep an eye on your inventory, and I look forward to another great transaction in the future. Dan Crawford
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