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Posts posted by DTM72

  1. Some of the early Type 19's had a traditional bamboo mekugi AND a brass sakura threaded mekugi that goes in that hole. (See pics below) Need to see pics of the nakago to confirm. I owned one like this, but later sold it to someone who made me an offer I could not refuse. The original brass sakura mekugi could have been damaged or lost and a bamboo mekugi inserted. Keep this in mind if you go to remove the tsuka. :bang:

    I agree with Gilles that this is authentic. The parade sabres have a slightly curved handle whereas the nihonto bladed versions have a straight handle to accomodate the nakago. The same' on the handle appears to have been originally black and has worn nicely. The wire wrap is in tact as well. Notice the center belly node of the same' towards the rear of the handle.

    Tough to tell from the pics, but the shinogi appears to be high and the blade width looks to taper towards the kiaaski (fumbari). Leads me to believe this could be a koto period blade. Again, provided photos leave a bit to be desired. I would be interested to see the nakago to see what the blade really is. 

    Worth $500? I would say yes. This type of mounting (Especially early like this one) is getting harder to find. Perform your due diligence and examine the blade closely for hagire, fukure, and if you can see the hamon at all, look for tiredness. (Hamon dropping off the edge of the blade).


    On a side note, never could identify the backstrap decorations per F&G, Dawson, or any other ref material. Guessing it's an early version of the field officer grade decoration.


    All the best.

    kyu 2.jpg

    kyu 1.jpg

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  2. Steve,


    Looking at the two examples in Slough's book, there are variations between the two shown. The blade pictured shows even a third variation. Gimei? Maybe, maybe not. As has been said on here many times, buy the blade, not the signature. If the blade, and koshirae, speak to you, then buy it. In just my humble opinion, there is not a great benefit to take a mumei Showato or low to mid-grade gendaito and fake a WWII smith's name. 


    All the best.

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  3. Chris,


    As a previous resident of Indiana, this is one of the few things I regret about moving far South from there. If I were still a resident, I would 100% attend and participate in the meetings. I feel that you are doing a great service to collectors and helping to spark new interest into our passion/hobby. Looking at the website, I have nothing negative to say, and think it is a great start.

    Wishing you and the other members great sucess!



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  4. 41 minutes ago, Dark Regent said:

    Unfortunately, all I have is the blade and the scabbard. So, I'm also trying to figure out what to do with it, in terms of maybe finding a tsuka, etc. to go with it. I know it's not really valuable but it is a piece of history.




    Looks like you will need;

    habaki (collar)

    seppa (spacers)

    tsuba (hand-guard)

    tsuka (handle)


    Habaki and tsuka are custom fitted to each blade. Seppa and tsuba can be filed open or punched to close slightly. Best thing you could do is attend a military antique show or a Japanese sword show. Many dealers have extra habaki, seppa, tsuba and tsuka that you can try to fit. Roll of the dice though.

  5. Always wanted a Navy Kyu and finally found a nice one. Even has the tassel!

    NTHK papers say the blade was made in the Eisho era about 1504-1521.  attributing it to the Uda Kunimune.   
    Nagasa = 25 1/2". (64.7cm)
    Blade thickness at habaki is 3/16" (6.77mm)
    Width at habaki 1" (2.54cm)
    Width at Yokote is 9/16" (14.2mm)
    Sori is 3/4" (19mm)





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