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Posts posted by DTM72

  1. On 3/11/2023 at 2:24 PM, Peter Bleed said:

    A good discussion. Thank you all.

    In fact, I was kind of wondering about Korea as a point of origin. We certainly know that Japanese firearms were used in Korea. And there would have been several ways that Korean materials might have arrived in early modern Japan.



    I actually had a table right behind Ray in Vegas earlier this year. A really decent guy and as honest seller. He has a contact in Japan that sends items to him. I didn't ask directly on this lot, but some things are listed as described from his supplier.

  2. 13 hours ago, Grey Doffin said:

    Hi John,

    The card is a license (torokusho) that lists the signature but says nothing about the legitimacy of the signature.



    Grey is correct, the torokusho just lists the signatue (if present) and basic dimensions of the blade. It in NO way verifies the signature as being authentic.

  3. 1 hour ago, Bruce Pennington said:

    That's quite a find, Dan, and quite gorgeous.  Could be the first I've ever seen.  I think there's been a couple NCO cavalry swords bantered about NMB, but not Officer Kyu.

    There was one in this same thread that was actually a field officer cavalry version. <— quite nice! It was actually posted by you on page 3 of this thread, 5 th post down. Russian collector from guns.ru.

  4. In this entire thread, I have only seen 1 cavalry officers kyu. I am guessing these are as rare as the naval officers kyu's (with real blades). Asking because I just picked-up a company grade 1886 pattern cavalry sword with kamon on the backstrap. Added bonus is the fittings from Suya are in excellent condition. Blade is in excellent condition and looks to be a Murata/zohito and is mumei.


    Anyone have any additional information on the cavalry kyugunto's and their rarity compared to other kyugunto?

    Kamon Close.jpg

    Suya Fittings.jpg

    Hilt Overall.jpg

    Close 2.jpg

    Overall 1.jpg

    Close 1.jpg

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  5. 11 hours ago, SRDRowson said:

    I suppose he needed the extra ¥800,000 to pay for the koshirae, bless him.

    That is a very common thing to say here in the southern USA. "Bless your heart" can mean exactly what it says...in a nice way. OR, it can be a polite way of saying you are an asshole, or that you are a complete idiot. <-- All in how it is said.

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  6. 15 hours ago, ChrisW said:

    Our next meeting will be an informal one held at the Chicago Sword Show next month! All are welcome to stop by the 'Indiana Island" at the show and chat with us/peruse our blades/books/tosogu!


    As a previous Hoosier, I would like to check out the Indiana Island. <-- hopefully better than "Indiana Beach on beautiful Lake Shafer in Monticello, IN. Proving once again there is more than corn in Indiana." lol

  7. Bringing this one to the top. I don't really have much stuff left to warrant getting a table but I do have odds and ends pieces, fuchi, kashira, tsuba, habaki, a couple tsuka, a few wakizashi and tanto saya, and a couple empty shira-saya. A company grade gunto tassel and a reproduction naval brown tassel. Please let me know if you want/need any of these items. I will be happy to send pics/measurements ahead of time, them bring the selected items along with me. My previous table buddy from las vegas, Roger Robershaw, has graciously allowed me 1 foot of his table to use...if needed.


    I am bringing some items that I would only be willing to trade-up on;

    Emura in good condition Type 98 mounts. Company grade tassel. (would be willing to sell outright too)

    NTHK-NPO papered Tegai Kanekuni in excellent polish. In shirasaya but also comes with type 98 mounts. Company grade tassel. (Leather covered wood core saya)

    Type 97 kaigunto with polished sharkskin saya. Wakizashi signed by sandai Kanesada in older faded but decent polish. Brown naval tassel.

    Mumei tanto in koshirae. (waiting on NTHK papers to arrive) attributed to Bungo circa mid Muromachi period.

    Plimpton collection Type 19 Kyugunto with Murata blade that has rare 2 thin hi per side and perfect wavy hamon. Field officer grade backstrap with brown/red tassel.


    Look forward to seeing everyone there! 



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  8. Last day of show. Only keeping the table open for 3 hours then packing up for the 8-9 hour drive home through the mountains. I sold 5 swords and a suit of armor. Wife bought lots of little stuff for herself. I only bought a couple cheap tsubas, and some spare seppa. May pick up a hard to find Slough oshigata book if it is still in here this morning.

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