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Posts posted by DTM72

  1. 9 hours ago, Brian said:

     It's $10/month, so if I dealer sells one decent item it should cover costs.

    If I had enough to sell, the $10 a month is well worth it!


    1 table at a local gun show is $80 now. <-- Not even a good target market.

    Tables at a military antique show are $100. <-- better market but still not target market.

    Tables at a Japanese sword show are $175-$195 each. <-- Target market


    In my humble opinion, $120 a year is a great deal. If I had enough to sell, I would 100% jump at this.

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  2. As best as I can tell, all the fittings on the saya are 1.5mm (1/16") thick solid silver. The fuchi, kashira, the straps top and bottom, all solid silver with scrollwork vines. I thought the habaki was brass, but a small area of wear shows a base of copper, with a heavy bright yellow gold wash.

    Reading above about the plain blades with no hamon, does not apply to this one. Shinsa in Chicago gave the blade an attribution of Chickuzen Kongobyoe Moritaka (7th generation) working in 1492-1501. Overall, I am very happy with this package. Working on finding a polisher for it. Chatted with Nick Benson, Woody Hall, Moses and Jimmy Hyashi. Have not decided who to go with yet. I don't have any contacts in Japan to have it done there. <-- open to suggestions.



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  3. 6 minutes ago, Ontario_Archaeology said:

    I will have a few for sale in a week or two that I bought off of a Japanese auction. I will let you know when they arrive! The auction included 3 of them, I only need one so you can have your pick of the other 2! 

    Much Appreciated! Feel free to message me directly when they arrive.

  4. 12 hours ago, Swords said:

    Thanks for your input Steve 

    As far as far as the kanji in green enamel 

    White chalk would hav been better 




    @Swords With the depth of the markings, it would actually be better to shadow the impressions with light. There is also a very helpful feature that is available to everyone on the board to help you translate items yourself. See pic below for locating this helpful feature, outlined in red.

    Translations on NMB.jpg

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  5. First submission on Thursday, early afternoon.


    Mei-Tohto Tsuguhira Ka Ko Gane plus a lot of other kanji.
    Returned as Horyu (undecided). Was pretty disappointed in the outcome but I plan on keeping it anyway so papers would have just been a bonus.



    A dealer near my table was packing up to leave on Saturday afternoon. He came to my table and said last minute deal on a katana I had looked at a few times. I took another look at it and made an offer that he accepted.

    Mei- Bungo Jyu Fujiwara Saneyuki

    Took it to shinsa on Sunday morning and it passed with 76 points.



    Always wanted a tachi and finally got a great example from Matt Jerrel with Sohei swords. Took it immediately to shinsa and it was attributed to Chikuzen Kongobye Moritaka with 73 points.


    Overall, very happy with the results. I plan on submitting the tachi koshirae at the next shinsa, whenever that may be.



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  6. On 5/1/2023 at 9:23 PM, Mark S. said:

    I’m not going to be shy.   Hope more members post results.  If you would like any more details about any of the blades, let me know.  

    Here are my results from Saturday.  9 out of 11 of my blade submittals passed.  I’ll post one more result of Sunday daisho tsuba submittal later…

    I like the way you formatted your results. I'll post mine later tonight. Took two days off of work last week and it has taken me 4 days to catch back up.

  7. 6 hours ago, tokashikibob said:

    Yep,  I got a two out of three too.  The 5 hole katana got a question mark due to a  worn gakumei which Steve M and Jussi were able to ID the kanji on this board with good pictures.  Chris B said the second character was too worn to verify by the team.   I'd like some NMB papers!

    I'll make you some papers!


    I have a couple blades, recently passed through DTM72 shinsa and scored 112 points!


    ^^ Please read all that with sarcasm ^^


    I do make my own information sheets that are similar in format to certification papers, but I add all the blade information with kanji and the English translation.

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