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About ChrisAWilson

  • Birthday 07/19/1964

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    WWI & WWII Militaria, primarily German Helmets, Medals and Japanese Swords.

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    Chris Wilson

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  1. I'm definitely not a Model 95 expert but I'd buy that one all day! Looks good to me!
  2. Great reply Bruce! That's definitely a fake and not a very good one, the cast furniture is really bad, Hope the OP can get his money back if it was sold as a 100% original. Chris Wilson
  3. Just have to get a punch the same size as the small end and knock it out. It'll come, just been forced in nice and tight.
  4. I appreciate your opinion Mike, I'd never offer one for sale with a fake tassel on it. If I was going to trade up or sell I'd remove it first before I ever offered one up. Chris Wilson
  5. thanks Bruce, I"ve looked on there and saw some that run around 60 that looked decent in the pics and I've seen some that the lanyard part just looks like thick string also. I just thought I'd ask on here before I purchased one to see as I do want it to look right. I'm just looking for one of the brown Kai's and a blue and brown officer one. Maybe one of these days I'll find an original in good shape that they don't want 3 or 400 for. Couple of my swords had remnants of tassels on them but they were in such bad shape and falling apart that I removed them an put them away in a box of parts for safe keeping.
  6. This is probably sacrilegious on here but I just don't want to spend the funds I could put toward another sword on accoutrements. That being said I'd like to get a couple of nice looking Tassels for a couple of my better swords, I'm not trying to fool anyone just want to dress up a couple of swords that are diisplayed, If its not considered heresy could someone tell me who makes and sales some decent Tassels. Looking for a Kai Gunto and one for a Shin Gunto. Thanks Chris Wilson
  7. Very nice, and a good price, I'm jealous of you guys that are able to find stuff like this in local shops, There is nothing where I live that has any type of militaria. The larger gun shows once in a blue moon and there is a militaria show once a year here that always has something but my pickings are very slim. I wouldn't have half my collection if it wasn't for this site and the internet. Chris Wilson
  8. John, is the 44" gunto yours??? Chris Wilson
  9. How are the sarutes attached? tied in a knot or stitched together?? Chris Wilson
  10. Just so I’m understanding this correctly and I did read the Ohmura link their is such an officers Shin Gunto with what looks like a 95 blade? I was looking at one at a gun show in Tulsa Okla. (the Wannamacher Gun Show, always a lot of swords there) that a collector had for sale, it was a 98, but had what appeared to me as a 95 NCO blade but no serial number. He told me it was a late war budget shin Gunto for someone that couldn’t afford a hand forged blade. I having never seen or heard of such a thing let it walk. If there is such a thing I’ll know for next time as I don’t have that variant! Trystan! Can I assume you have a nice NCO collection? I like the officer swords but my thoughts have always been that the NCO swords saw the most practical use just due to the job of the NCO! This is coming from a retired Infantry Officer. Chris Wilson
  11. Thank you Steven!
  12. I purchased one of the Kai’s from Micheal, by far my nicest Gunto and I’ve always wanted a nice Navy! I’m hoping someone can translate the Mei for me. It’s hard to to make out so put a little chalk on to help and broke it up into two pics. Thanks Chris
  13. I like the blade on this one!
  14. That is a pretty blade!!!
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