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About thutson

  • Birthday July 9

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    Tom Hutson

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  1. Enjoying this thread a lot, some wonderiful pieces on show. Two more from me: Akasaka Musashino sukashi tsuba showing pampas grass with dew drops and another with a Yatsuhashi and Iris design in sukashi.
  2. Here's one from my collection, lilys from the Choshu school.
  3. thutson

    Is this a cast?

    Hello Mark, I'm afraid to my eye this has all the hallmarks of being a modern cast.
  4. Exactly... the fuchi and kashira are matching with 7 sages in total and you can see they are all in a bamboo grove. Best, Tom
  5. Hi Paul, The fuchi depict the Seven Sages of Bamboo Grove, which is a fairly popular theme: https://en.wikipedia..._of_the_Bamboo_Grove The menuki are more difficult to make out, but seem to show dragons chasing a pearl in the waves. Hope that helps. Tom
  6. I've got broken fans to add.
  7. thutson

    Wild things

    Turtles and catfish tsuba
  8. thutson

    Wild things

    Colin, I love your Kingfisher tsuba, wonderful piece.
  9. Thank you for your replies. Yoon, I hadn't thought about that, dragons are indeed associated with brining rain, so that could well be the link to the ears of rice on the ura. Dale and Jake, thanks for the links to the similar style tsuba. On these tsuba the designs are more classic and matched on the omote and ura; Tiger and bamboo grove or Shishi lion and peonys flowers. I have not seen a dragon paired with ears of rice before on a tsuba. Or as Yoon has pointed out, perhaps the link between the two sides is that the dragon brings the rain for a good rice crop. Keen to see any other examples of this design paired togehter or of tsuba with un-matched designs on the omote and ura. Cheers, Tom
  10. Dear members, I would be greatful for your opinion on this tsuba, it's signed Yanagawa Naomitsu who was the third generation master of the Yangawa school. This tsuba has different designs carved in kata-kiri bori on the omote and ura, which is unusual. The omote has a cloud dragon design and the ura a rice ears design. I don't know of any connection between cloud dragons and rice ears and I'm curious why different designs would be done on either side. Does anyone have any information or other examples? Cheers, Tom
  11. Fantastic result, great job!
  12. Such sad news, he was a wonderful man. My thoughts are with his family.
  13. Dear Colin, I posted a topic some time ago regarding a near identical casting of this tsuba, which I also could not discern whether it was real or fake, but with help from the forum we identified the signs that I think proved it to be a very impressive modern fake. So I believe the tsuba you present here is also a modern cast from the same mould. Fakes have, unfortuantly, got this good! Best, Tom
  14. Thank you both, most appreciated. In future I will try to provide better pictures. Regards, Tom
  15. Hello, I recently picked up this tsuba and I'd be very grateful for any help translating the signature.
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