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Baka Gaijin

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Everything posted by Baka Gaijin

  1. Thank you Brian, It is an extraordinary Artwork, and Ford's sensitive conservation has made it a joy to behold.
  2. Good Evening Everyone, Please allow me to show you a project that I sent to Ford Hallam for Conservation. Ford as always astounds with his mastery of the materials before him.
  3. Thank you Alex and Brian, An acquaintance of mine in the trade took one look at it and said Cuspidor............... Hmm..................... thought I, and approached a more erudite dealer, who suggested researching Chinese Gu. Gentlemen, the floor remains open to opinion Here’s how it looks today with my Top Hatted Assistant “Orvis” in the background…….
  4. Good Afternoon Here’s a monumental Bronzed metal Vase (Usubata) allegedly brought to the United Kingdom from Japan at the turn of the Century c.1900 It stands 31 inches (79 cm) at its widest it is 24.5 inches (62 cm It’s unsigned I’d appreciate some opinions please. I’m dubious whether it is even Japanese.
  5. Good Morning Gentlemen, I had this style of stamped Sakura tsuba years ago, it was on a put together for either military or civilian support use, with an old lacquered wooden Saya with kurikata with an added Haiken and leather combat cover and old tsuka pierced for a Tosho tassel. I was told these Sakura tsuba were popular during the war and available in sword shops catering for the war effort.
  6. Thank you Bruce
  7. Thank you Piers and Thomas Greatly Appreciated Now comes the questions: What do we know about Yoshitsugu, and why is there no Showa Stamp? Are we dealing with a Factory workshop or individual Swordsmith? And last of all was this produced by whole or part traditional methods?
  8. Yoshi Tsugu perhaps
  9. Thank you Bruce The Mekugi Ana is unusual Drilled or Punched, or a combination of both? There is also an assembly number:
  10. And the biographical details:
  11. And now here is the full nakago:
  12. The odd profile of the Mekugi Ana in the Nakago May point towards the reason why the Mekugi failed and became lodged inside
  13. Hi Bruce [drum-roll................] and the nakago!?!? All things in due time........... Mystery solved.................. The two piece metal Mekugi was inserted to hold together the remnants of an old Mekugi which were “stuck” inside.
  14. Thank You Dale, I think you have nailed it.
  15. Who is riding the Shishi? I’ve seen Tsuba depicting the character of Shoki riding a Shishi, with his attributes of Sword and Oni fleeing. So, who is this? His attribute looks like a fan, but what is he brushing away?
  16. Early To - Ken GB members may recall a mention a long time ago (1975/6) at a meet in London that a blade called Sasa no Tsuyu was once owned by Field Marshall Sir Francis Festing (Frontline Frankie).
  17. A recent discussion on a Facebook group devoted to Koryu mentioned Hoten Ryu and its varied syllabus using unorthodox hidden weapons (Hibuki): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hōten-ryū?fbclid=IwAR24RyGFcDXvPlUk5jqKkUP21oFgoZDwnuVzieIGqS1k8FdSGqD4dsct0wQ https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hW411673R/?fbclid=IwAR0MFoCJ0LAFIRB3mOAeRNePxls8NslUKbnLO8VQ4zB7Tog7LZG8gjF2cEg
  18. A Friend just announced that Miura Hiromichi has passed. His Legacy endures: https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search?q=Hiromichi+Miura&sortBy=Relevance&pageSize=0
  19. This is a document of the first major Budo demonstration taking place in 1950, shortly after the final the ban on Martial Arts was lifted. Here's a huge amount of information on the reality of the levels banning compiled by Joseph Svinth and Jason Couch: I've been told various fairy tales over the years, both here in UK and also in Japan of exactly what went on regarding training during the Occupation, the article is concise and authoritative and puts to rest quite a lot of urban myths With due recognition to the EJMAS, where the article reside along with a positively monumental amount of other information on Budo and Bujutsu: https://ejmas.com/jcs/jcsart_svinth_1202.htm
  20. Here's someone following in Donn F Draeger's Path:
  21. Good morning Gentlemen, Excellent and thought provoking article, Ellis always comes up with the goods. For anyone starting out in the study, here are some useful links: http://www.kamuelacopy.com/hoplology.com/ https://www.facebook.com/International-Hoplology-Society-130879026931954/
  22. Good morning Paz, The seller may have a tracking number from USPS If so, this may be of assistance: https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction_input Other than that, it should go to the International Hub in Coventry and be transferred to Royal Mail. I've had items transfer to Parcel Force in the past for some reason, but Royal Mail sounds the logical option.
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