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nihonto1001 last won the day on June 29 2015

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  1. Great Show Mark! It got me psyched about nihonto all over again.
  2. Bob, Good times as always. Thank you for organizing this show.
  3. nihonto1001

    New Koshirae

    Very nice Darcy. Brian does an amazing job. Looking forward to seeing it on nihonto.ca.
  4. Too many to upload... https://www.facebook.com/oni.honto/posts/263021414072201 Enjoy. More soon.
  5. I had similar problems with the NTHK-NPO, 2014 Shinsa. In a nutshell, they had issued incorrect papers, with the nakago of my Yokoyama Sukehira Katana, on a tanto's kanteisho. My problem is not with the NTHK-NPO, after all, we all make mistakes. My problem is with the way their delegate handled the situation. That is why they will never get any more of my business. However, much respect for Mr. Miyano Teiji, a true sword Sensei.
  6. This is Jon Healy, I am helping out with the Orlando Japanese Sword Show website: http://www.japaneseswordshow.com/orlando/. I would like to catalog this year's event with many photos. So, if you are attending, feel free to post your pics on the Orlando Japanese Sword Show Facebook page, or here on NMB (better). I will incorporate the better pics into the website.
  7. Here are some of the great events being planned for the Orlando Japanese Sword Show, June 17th-19th: http://www.japaneseswordshow.com/orlando/schedule-of-events/ Would you like to attend? Just click on the page for details.
  8. Hi Tim: I am sure you can make arrangements with Bob Elder, or Mike Yamasaki, himself. Bob's contact info is on the site. Mike's website link can be found on the Events page here: http://www.japaneseswordshow.com/orlando/schedule-of-events/ I will also be at the show, and will be happy to assist. Jon, 561-201-6500.
  9. until
    Come one, come all, to what could be everything you want in a Japanese Sword Show.
  10. Hi Pete- Bob asked me to add you to the Table Holder page, so he must have received notification. Please contact him directly, via phone (on website), to confirm. I look forward to seeing you there.
  11. This is going to be Epic. Pass it on... Mike Yamasaki, assisted by Joe Forcine: Kantei/Attribution/Evaluation Saturday, June 18th, 1:00-3:00. I am happy to announce that we will be attending this year's Orlando show, put on by my old friend, Bob Elder. In the spirit of continuing education around the hobby of collecting Japanese swords and fittings, I would like to offer a session in which guests can bring in one sword, or one fitting, and I will offer my personal opinion about their piece. I would like to limit the blades to pre-Meiji works. This will not be a shinsa, but rather an informal kantei/attribution to help owners learn more about their artifacts. My personal opinion in no way has any connection whatsoever with the NBTHK, or any of its branches. No fees will be charged, however, donations will happily be accepted and forwarded to the Kumamoto Earthquake Relief Fund. Sincerely, M. Yamasaki www.tetsugendo.com Note: Please sign up ahead for an appointment with Bob Elder. There will be other great events: http://www.japaneseswordshow.com/orlando/schedule-of-events/
  12. The fuschi is also a kantei point for Nosada, AKA. 2nd Generation Kanesada. This would be a much more desireable attribution. He is considered one of the top smiths of the Muromachi Period.
  13. Commentary From Tsuneishi, forwarded by NTHK: Among the many Mino smiths, Zenjo Kaneyoshi is known for a very well-made sugata and beautiful workmanship. At first glance, one is reminded of the best quality Awataguchi works from Kyoto. On blades with regular Kyo-zori, the mihaba is a little bit thinner with a ko-kissaki and a feeling of a top quality sugata. He executed nioi-deki suguha: tight, thin nioi-deki suguha. The boshi looks like a usual Seki work: midare-komi, Oh-maru feeling with a shallow or short kaeri. Works with deep kaeri or kaku-tome kaeri are not seen. There are no works where there are significant activity of nie and nioi in the ha, which is in contrast to he Awataguchi school. In addition, he made works of Oe Bizen style with suguha. However, Oe Bizen suguha works feature yakihaba that is wider and the hasuji becomes smoky. Zenjo’s suguha, on the other hand, is a very tight nioi-guchi suguha. This is a kantei point. This is his specialty. His jihada is mokume-hada, tight and beautiful, and like other Mino works, has a black hue. Masame-hada does not appear in the ji; if it appears, which is rare, it is seen in the shinogi-ji. The Zenjo school – it is said that this group came from the Yamato Tegai smiths; first generation Kaneyoshi was a Yamato Tegai maker who signed Kaneyoshi (包吉). His given name was Seijiro, and having been a believer of the Hokke sect of Buddhism, had a Buddhist name of Zenjo(Zenryo) and belonged to …..temple that was located in the western part of Seki which at some point relocated to the center of Seki later. Among the mino-mono, his has the most beautiful sugata and has a very strong Yamato den influence. According to the Nihonto Meikan there are then at least 9 generations of Kaneyoshi smiths until the Bakumatsu period and the last Kaneyoshi who would become one of the men who sewed the seeds for modern sword-making.
  14. My issues with the prior NTHK-NPO Shinsa were made insipid by awe of Mr. Miyano's great resolve to lead the 2016 Shinsa. I greatly enjoyed the kantei he did on a few select swords.
  15. Here is a Yoshioka Tsuba. I was originally mounted on a first rate koshirae for a Hida no kami Ujifusa Katana. Since it is not the original koshirae, but more recently contrived, this tsuba now resides separate from the koshirae. The katana will eventually be sent for Juyo Shinsa.
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