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Everything posted by Toryu2020

  1. The upcoming Orlando Shinsa is being brought to you by the one original and true NTHK - if you have any questions I am happy to answer them here or you are free to message me privately. -tch
  2. Sorry John I only snapped pictures of the tang. The blade is in poor polish but otherwise in good shape.
  3. Excellent - seeing how he writes the tsuki-hen it all makes sense - thank you -t
  4. Lots for the translator here, anyone have a good reading for this name?
  5. Kinpun mei were not seriously used until Meiji period - a nice try but a clear fake... -t
  6. Henry - Very hard to answer your question with these photos - as it happens our club meeting is thus Sunday - you would be a welcome guest and I am sure our members can set your mind at ease regarding your sword... -t
  7. Curious to see more of the blade... -t
  8. Unsigned - attributed to Den Masamune via green papers. Buy the koshirae if that is what you like, I would not put too much stock into that attribution... -t
  9. In defense of Nagoya - the castle is spectacular the concrete tower is the least of the attractions - I recommend getting an English guide, these are often castle enthusiasts that can help you see deeper into the defensive structures. Also in Nagoya is the Tokugawa Art Museum and the Atsuta Jingu. Atsuta has a long history associated with the sword, so they have an impressive collection much of which is now displayed at the newly built sword museum... my two yen, -t
  10. My first impression is not good - does not appear to be masterwork - I fear better pictures would make it look worse. -t
  11. Do your best to get a direct flight - layovers and transfers are where stuff goes astray... -t
  12. Some informal ways to tie your sageo
  13. The Northern California Japanese Sword Club hosts a monthly Kantei session on Zoom. We discuss the artist in question as well as variations in his work and possible alternate bids for the sample blade. It is a great way to connect what you read with real world examples. We encourage students of all levels to join us. Chandler - one frustrating point for beginners is that sword schools are described in generalities - so mokume for Bizen - but when discussing individual pieces certain authors may assign itame to what he is seeing in person. One learns that the hints need to be taken in total and youre careful not to eliminate someone based on a single point that may differ. Hoping this makes sense... -t
  14. The Bell Crickets is a better tsuba imho - the design and the plate look better to my eye. A Japanese customer would return it no question, I think you should too. -t
  15. Omodaka - and it looks like you got the right box but not the right tsuba... -t
  16. I would say a Musashi connection would be a real stretch - there is no real evidence he ever carved an oar, thats a tale from the book which came long after these kodogu... mho -t PS Commorants are used in fresh water and would not be associated with Ganryujima.
  17. Toryu2020

    Yagyu Tsuba

    Not Yagyu I think and not 1620... mho -t
  18. I would go with Shachihoko - all the other symbols are "treasures", symbols of good fortune. A dragon fish is half of each but a symbol of becoming something great. Were they presented with a withered look then you could argue salmon. mho. -tch
  19. Welcome Chandler - Going to Las Vegas is a great idea - you will see and learn tons in one short weekend. As it happens our club does online kantei for all members - it is a great way to study and persons of all interest levels are welcome. -tch
  20. Unfortunately it appears the tsuba in the box and the tsuba mentioned in the Hakogaki are different... The larger one has a Choshu Mei. -t
  21. Dan - Are you able to post photos of the tsuba? -t
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