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Everything posted by Toryu2020

  1. he specialized in this molten finish - many copied it should it turn out to be modern it would be no loss, this to me has the look of a skilled artisan like Naruki...
  2. 成木一成
  3. Johnny Very nice tsuba - not Myochin imo - but Yamakichibei google up the work of Naruki Issei... -t
  4. Checked out issue 646 - turns out there is no Tadayoshi on page 34 Perhaps we are looking for the NPO's version of TKTR... -t
  5. 長曾根虎徹
  6. This kanji 塔 is read To not hashi or bashi Your smith is Heianjo ju Ishido Suketoshi 平安城住石道助利 According to the Meikan he used Ishido 石堂and Ishido 石塔 in his signatures Fwiw... -t
  7. Toryu2020

    Monster Tsuba

    I willl have to read that article by Markus, The nakago ana is just too small to be useful for tameshigiri - i would expect a larger opening that could be modified with shims as suggested. This is wakizashi sized. If I had to guess I would say this was off of some Kikuchi-yari or other specialized weapon as it does not make sense as a sidearm. It is just too damn heavy... -t
  8. Yoshikawa Sensei will be giving his lecture on the 19th of this month. The title is Looking Behind the Stories of the Famed Seikadô Swords. It will be given twice at 10:30 and 1:30. Kawakami Yoichiro sans' lecture is on March 4th and the title is Regarding Japanese Swords and the Art of the Craftsman. Looks like a day long demonstration from 10 to 4:30 of saya making, sword making and polishing. This information is from the Seikadô website.
  9. Stephen it does not compare well with the many Tsunatoshi oshigata I have here. If I had to say it looks like the work of Kajihei. So maybe a good sword but I would approach the mei with great caution. -t
  10. Does not appear to need restoration to my eye, love it, handle carefully and the color will mellow on its own... -t
  11. Toryu2020

    Monster Tsuba

    Still waiting on delivery but If yall want to move this to Tosogu I have no problem. -t
  12. minimal fuss and no surprises!
  13. Toryu2020

    Monster Tsuba

    PM sent
  14. http://seikado.or.jp/en/exhibition/next.html Special exhibition at the Seikado museum - will feature lectures by Yoshikawa Sensei on swords and Kawakami Yoichiro, his student, on polishing. Get your tickets now!
  15. This looks like a Toen-sha paper issued by Murakami Sensei. Often reliable attributions to my understanding. -t
  16. Looks like youre showing us the date side - Tensho 5 nen - fifth year of Tensho Have you any other photos? -t
  17. could it be 尾州 ??
  18. I dunno has kind of an Ainu feel to me. Cool for its uniqueness... -t
  19. Ken I think it has to do with lateral stability. In the longer version I belive it becomes a problem. That is why I think even the katana we do see are on the shorter side... -t
  20. 寿 kotobuki looks like Chinese poetry cant say much more
  21. They will feature some two dozen swords for hands on examination as well as a group of swords for kantei. Cost is ¥5000 per person
  22. So jealous that I cannot be there - did anyone mention; The NTHK will host a Tokubetsu kansho-kai on the 20th from 1 until 4, which is also the last day of the DTI. The site is the TKP Shin-Bashi Shiodome Business Center, 4-24-8 Shin-Bashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo. It is a short walk from Shin-Bashi station.
  23. Toryu2020

    Tanto Help

    I'm thinking shobu-zukuri since the shinogi line goes right to the tip a very neat find, you should not be worried about investing in it. I also support the shin-shinto idea... -t
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