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Everything posted by Toryu2020

  1. Kuni Iri Yoku! From a private collection in Japan - don't believe it has been out of the country till now. It's a Yoshii blade so a bit later than Ichimonji... -t
  2. This is a pretty ancient thread - not sure if I posted this or not Here is a fine old Tachi with what I am convinced is battle damage. If you understand the three "zones" of a sword blade; Attack, Controi and Defense - then you'll understand when I say this is exactly where I would have my sword over my forehead when blocking a cut to my men/hachi. All supposition I know but I believe that this sword took this hard blow, did not fail and thus saved someones life. That person then dutifully put it in storage and preserved it in deference to the fact that it saved myself or my ancestors life and thus it is in such fine condition today... -t
  3. My apologies - I'm in the habit of saying "Shiro" cause they are white the correct naming is "Shirauo" with an "A"... シラウオ - Wikipedia
  4. No.121 - not eels, but Shirouo... -t
  5. Nice find - Hachigatsu hi or a day in August is not uncommon at all...
  6. A day in July Showa 19 - Etchu Fujiwara Hiromitsu altered this - original mei says - Goshu Ishiyama ju Yoshifumi tsukuru Thats my reading anyways... -t
  7. One thing everyone should know is that the NBTHK now posts a translation of the Shijo Kantei on it's website each month and we can now enter our bids electronically right there on the website. Used to be if you had paid for "slow postage" you wouldn't get your magazines in time to submit a bid. Peter makes an excellent point, in Japan shijo kantei is considered second only to hands-on in-person study, now more than ever we should be taking advantage of this great exercise. For those who are interested the NCJSC now offers a zoom kantei class each month and a shijo kantei published monthly in our newsletter. All materials are presented in English and we welcome new members from anywhere in the world. -tch
  8. There you have it - Kanemasu...
  9. I don't think rust is your problem this doesnt look like a legitimate signature - higaki yasuri suggests Mino but the hamachi/munemachi look off. Can you take a close up of the mei including the area around the mekugi-ana but straight on, not at an angle? -t
  10. Toryu2020


    Fujishima Tomoshige...
  11. Matt - Let me say you never post anything boring! This appears to be by Umetada Myoju - Yamashiro Nishizu Junin Umetada Myoju (I think the rest is basically Horido saku, someone will correct me) Date is Keicho 17. Please share photos of the blade as this could be something special... -t
  12. To me, it is good work but looking at the feet the quality and level of detail there is just not up to the level of an artist like Natsuo. I think someone paid an awful lot for a fake... -t
  13. I forwarded your information, someone should be reaching out... -t
  14. Gary - We have members who make the trip up from Monterey each month, I will let them know of your interest. You should consider joining the NCJSC, we are currently in the middle of a membership drive - you can get the next four issues of our newsletter and all of next year for the price of one year. We just started a monthly shijo kantei in the newsletter and if you're a member you can participate in our online Zoom kantei which happens each month. Membership (ncjsc.org) -tch
  15. From a moss-backed old timer... Learn the nengo Learn the Ju-nishi Learn the provinces Learn the common kanji used in swordmaker names (Yumoto) Learn the common order for information in signatures (Place, title, family name, artist name...) It is actually not that much to memorize compared to the amount of kanji one needs to read a newspaper. Besides the above when I asked Fukunaga Sensei what was the best way to learn to read mei he answered "Study Calligraphy" (as suggested above...) -t
  16. Jussi - That was Mike Yamasaki... https://tetsugendo.com
  17. Stephen - Al Herr was the guy with the bourbon on his table. Steven - I don't know what a surf spot t-shirt is so cannot tell you who we're talking about... -t
  18. I tried posting the last dozen or so last night and I guess that failed - will try again tonight... -t
  19. Brought in by Eric Molinier - claimed it was a much abused Shinshinto blade purposely made to look old... -t
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