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Lewis B

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Everything posted by Lewis B

  1. From my interpretation the seller is an enthusiast/collector and not a dealer, although I understand there could be some blurring of those lines. Not sure a dealer would be so accommodating, unless there was a prior agreement, so your point stands. I will be attending the 3 day Japan Art Expo in Utrecht next month. I hope to learn a lot at my first Nihonto show and make some useful contacts. In 2 weeks I'll be visiting an important German dealer and looking at some of his inventory firsthand. As already mentioned nothing beats having the sword in hand to fully appreciate the finer detail and craftsmanship of both the forging and polish. This is all in preparation for making my first big Koto sword purchase.
  2. I worry for the future of those swords. The Curator should know better and not handle the blade with bare skin.
  3. I remember Exchange and Mart and LOOT. Long before the advent of the internet these were the best mediums to buy and sell. Good memories hunting for mopeds and low cc motorbikes as a teenager.
  4. Hi Jean Thanks for the reply. Name is Lewis. Appreciate the feedback. I will check out the previous reports.
  5. Is anyone else going the 3rd JAE in Utrecht this June? Has anyone attended the previous Expo's and if you did were the lectures and demonstrations informative? Were the presentations in English? Were the swords and fittings offered by the exhibitors high quality and how were the prices? How was special Friday event for 3 day ticket holders? I'm a novice collector looking make my first nihonto purchases so looking for some insight on what to expect as an attendee at the show.
  6. My feeling too, but the horrible old polish isn't doing the blade any favours. I believe the best photo posted is from 2013. I wonder if it has been properly refurbished in the last 10 years. The area near the kissaki looks especially distressed.
  7. Certainly a contentious piece
  8. Doesn't look to be in the greatest condition.
  9. I will be traveling near Steyr in May. Need to make sure I take a detour to see the Masamune in person. I first have to be sure it's on permanent display.
  10. Very easy to photoshop that stuff these days. Not to be trusted. Safest way to authenticate a seller is to have a video chat and let the seller scan the items they're offering. At least that proves they have said items in their possession.
  11. Was it shipped with a layer of protective oil? What did the blade look like before it shipped? If it was pristine then you have your answer.
  12. Are the larger marks on the left side also stains?
  13. Gold doesn't rust. Seems suspicious. Curious regarding the seller. Seems to have a strong presence on Ebay, but often his listings carry disclaimers. Never dealt with him bar sending a few questions about swords he has had listed. Unreliable?
  14. Looks like he has had a problem since end of Jan 2024 (last page update) with his IT host. Emails lost etc My previous site host 1and1 has deleted all my emails. If you have ever corresponded with me for any reason please email me and I will put you on my new contact list for updates. Have you tried calling or emailing brannow@collectorsmilitaria.com
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