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Lewis B

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Everything posted by Lewis B

  1. Nice detective work Jussi. And just for continuity, here are the Mei and nengo for the blade in the National Museum. While I generally agree with you Jussi that gimei should be left, I think in this case the kanji could be removed and then have it papered. I'd be curious as to who/school gets the attribution.
  2. Scratches? Yes. Looks like someone took a Brillo pad to it. Click for enlarged image and they are very easy to see.
  3. I guess I must have missed the 'Kinju' bit in your post. The statement was still incorrect and misleading.
  4. You should know better. Another example =. Juyo token Rai Kunimitsu tanto dated 1288
  5. Nice jiba activity. Gimei Kinju is not hard to find. Here is one you probably saw during your research. https://www.kinghous...l-tanto-gimei-signed
  6. Never happen, way too much tax revenue.
  7. Anyone who thinks the idea that de-tipping a knife is an effective solution is kidding themselves. The dedicated perp will just invest in an angle grinder and put a point on it themeselves. Its just crazy some of these knee jerk reactions that will have no bearing on knife crime per se. The problems are far deeper and embedded in the communities where these crimes are being committed.
  8. Blade shows some very nice activity. Would be worth looking into getting a fresh polish IMO.
  9. I saw this daisho set a few days ago and thought about posting it here. There are some Naotane fanbois on NMB. He is a well regarded smith from that period and his blades often command eye watering prices. The site in question frequently posts blades have kitae ware and you would be wise to followup as requested. It's like a get out of jail statement in case the blade is rejected. These 2 blades have been reported here before. The Wakizashi in koshirae for 2.5mil yen gives you an idea of prices. https://katanahanbai...tana/naotane-katana/ https://katanahanbai...naotane-wakizashi-e/
  10. Unless the kissaki is damaged.
  11. This is probably not a kodachi, more likely a Wakizashi. I believe generally speaking Kodachi were worn like Tachi (edge down) and the Mei on this blade is on the wrong side for tachi-style wear. This blade would have been worn edge up like a katana.
  12. Unfortunately shipping from USA is uneconomical, and then there are the taxes. Or course buying new is an option but I was hoping to find a used one, again due to price.
  13. Yes, it's there but as Chris says it's very close to the edge. The jigane activity through the hamon is very Norishige-esque. Love it. Polish looks good too which can't always be said.
  14. Lewis B

    Wild things

    Beak is too long for Swans. I'm with Jean, Cranes or Storks
  15. Perhaps because its a Consignment piece, in which case the buyer protections go out the window. How would they know it papered Ko Bizen Tomoyasu without having the papers in hand? Word of mouth? 7 bids now and price has hit 1mil yen
  16. I'm curious to see where the market lands for these highend TJ blades. I often hear dealers quote past sales at Bonhams et al as the benchmark for a particular smith eg Norishige. But as Colin says the hammer prices bare only a passing semblance to the real world Nihonto market and I believe a correction is due after the craziness of the Covid years. That said anyone care to guess the consigners asking price for this TJ Norishige Tanto?
  17. $300k? Its not even ChinChin ChoCho Seriously though $300K for a TJ is not crazy if it was a big name. Mumei Yoshioka Ichimonji not so much.
  18. Yes the Yoshioka Ichimonji is a beaut. Whats the estimate?
  19. I'm sure the catalog will be released in due course. Here are a few images from Facebook. Niji Kunitoshi Chu Aoe School Rai Kunitoshi Tanto
  20. Some top quality pieces going under the hammer in 2 months. https://www.sothebys...-davidson-collection
  21. Personally speaking the retempering would put me off at that price. It's no longer what the original smith intended. I would compare it to an old master that has had large areas overpainted by a second hand. Sort of related, but when a dealer sells something on consignment does it suggest they are not convinced either for some reason or another. It seems many of the these consignment pieces have a 'story'.
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