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Lewis B

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Lewis B last won the day on November 9 2024

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  1. Thats the spirit. Never say die. I assume you have seen this webpage. File a complaint, phone customer service, write to as many emails as you can find. Someone knows something. Its just a matter of shaking the tree. ...... https://aide.laposte...-or-file-a-complaint
  2. Yes, sad fact of life and we can only protect ourselves the best we can. I don't think anyone on the NMB has indicated that they include an airtag in the box but its becoming more common in general when travelling with suitcases and for high value shipments as an extra layer of security. If you can trace the location you could get the authorities involved. Hopefully the tanto was fully insured. You should also be able to claim back the customs duty if the package is lost in transit. And you're right, the only obligation the carrier has is to the contracted person ie the sender in this case, unless you paid the carrier directly. Has the shipper in Japan opened up a claim? Some retailers allow you to pay with a credit card (most don't it seems) so that could be another avenue to pursue, if applicable. Was a signature required upon delivery? If yes and there is no signature then the finger has to point at a specific person in the French Postal Service. Good luck and I hope it eventually materializes.
  3. Many advocate including an airtag in packages to assist with tracking. They aren't very expensive but could prove really good for pinpointing the movements of the box and the last person to have control.
  4. Can't be too many 'Italian Togishi'. Could be Massimo Rossi. Might be worth reaching out and asking. He would surely remember the Kinzogan Mei if he did in fact polish the blade.
  5. So sorry to hear this. Daimyo family history with early registration from 1951 too. Can we get a few more details like who the carrier was? I assume EMS. Were there any scans after it left Customs such as the local delivery office? It's situations like this that makes me think it's safer to ship papers separately. At least then you have some documentation in hand in case ownership has to be proved. Another suggestion is to pay the customs fees at the time of handover. For Fedex this can be paid in cash at the destination address or the local hub where a debit card is acceptable.
  6. Would this be another example?
  7. IMO it's where a habaki was once located prior to a previous suriage event.
  8. Sam, thats probably where you're going wrong. A proper digital camera with full control of the exposure, aperture and speed, on a tripod, with appropriate lighting (depending what activity you want to highlight) and last but not least, a macro lens. Then you'll probably improve your stats.
  9. It really helps to load large high rez images. I find Google Drive to be a decent hosting site. Or use what Brano uses ie Zonerama.com
  10. Those koshirae are probably the most tasteful/classy pieces I've seen yet. I love the design on the saya's. Timeless. Yes, there are spectacular gold urushi koshirae but I personally find them gawdy and shouty.
  11. Thats a nice set and the price is super fair given the quality of the koshirae and fittings. Although I'm not that keen on Satsuma blades. Price has been reduced so there may be some negotiation possible.
  12. Thanks everyone. Would a personal inscription of unknown historical significance negatively impact value? The blade dates to the late 80's so unlikely to have a military or Daimyo connection. I know watches that have personal inscriptions on the casebook make them less attractive on the secondary market when offered for sale.
  13. My first inclination was that its a dedication. Name on the omote, date on the ura and dedication or personalisation on the mune.
  14. This modern blade has kanji on the nakago mune in addition to the ura and omote sides of the nakago. Curious what it says and why some makers would mark their blades in this location rather than add it to the sides of the nakago.
  15. Hadn't noticed the Tadayoshi wakizashi was TH. I guess that improves the value somewhat although the muneware is not very attractive.
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