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shakudo last won the day on October 9 2018

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About shakudo

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    Apart from the obvious! Motorcycles ,trout fishing, beer and red wine.

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  1. Hi Bob, I know I have one but cant find it! Ill keep looking but! Cheers Mike.
  2. Hi Mike,  Here's a pic of the one I have


  3. Hi Bob, send me a pic I may have whay you want. Cheers Mike
  4. Hope your sorted, sent a pm but no reply. Cheers
  5. HiSean, Really sorry but I cant use the imgur link? Get the opening pic and then rubbish? Maybe there are more like me- canf see it so cant buy! Sad to see you broke up a pair- think that was a wrong move- waks dont sell aswell either. Better links to pics please. Cheers Mike
  6. Going to bed Read and reread make sure you understand- if not ask! dont coming guns blazing, just over the keyboard warriors. Admin- just do what you need to do . Over nufnufs
  7. What it means is that you didnt read the post! You came in guns blazing but guess what you didnt read the posts. That realy annoys me- read read it! My bank statements show what I paid and the next is his deposit on the sale of the sword. Maybe I expext people to work on my mind! Bit stuffed realy! Aint hard read it work out a time line- mAybe thats it , members cant deal with that. Really Im over it and the thought the info is here they just have to look. If you cant look, discern the info then stay quiet!
  8. Understand mate mate, but cant handle idiots who chime in that cant read. The info is there so what the f. I will not suffer idiots! Do what you have to do but REALLY!
  9. Well see, I asked if you had read the post- obviously not. Thats what fires me up. All the info was there but you came guns blazing! Read the fn post- read it -even the bank statements. I am so tired of dealing with peoole who dont do their research before they open their mouths- you are one- read the posts- pay attention to the bank posts- guessing your 30 or less! Still visiting!
  10. Wsitong on a response! Der got that wrong-Der. Ill call you Homer- compleye waste of time. Get your facts right!
  11. Waiting on your reply- buy hey maybe you didnt finish school- read wats in front of you! Love to meet you in a bar!!!! Yeah keyboard warrior but still cant read. Pay for the privelige or foff! Comung to UK soon may e I can crunch in!! What a fwit.
  12. Hi Mikaveli, You obviously cant take in the info provided! I paid the sum- along with interest and guess what SWORD sold after the payment . Maybe you need to read the post. Another non paying member whi vanr read or takin what is in fronr of them! I paid full price with interest and still my sword was sold! Have you actually read the post and viewed the pics. Seriously, just been chatting with Brian- wondering why I am financially supporting this forum- and now you chime in- read the posts- you doufus- get a brain- I have not accepted the sale of sword why do you think I m complaining! You are f...... t Read the post you sae out there- wheres your monthly payment to NMB. Yeah for sure - read it you ahole. Even your time line is out- go back into your hole- you obviously cant read! Like to meet you in bar!!!
  13. Agreed Brian, I started this so that I could warn others. Papered, polished and shirasaya sold after I paid the asking price including interest for $1300 Aust. Really interested in the reply? Especially the professionally made habaki- made before 1945 ! Hopefully it wont happen to any other collector! Cheers
  14. Hi all, Apologies but have to show MC payment into my account- $1300 for polished blade ,new shirasaya Nd dodgy habaki- now thats a good buy- wonder where it is? Dont want to know but its gone!
  15. Proof of payment for services rendered. Wish there had been a written contract. Also missed page 5 see attach. Not much more say really!
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