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Everything posted by waljamada

  1. Here is another o-kissaki katana with the koto or shin shinto question. I'm gonna say koto but the shape could be shin shinto to to me. Has one hole that is punched and the patina looks black in the photos. 25 1/4" nagasa and looks to have been shortened and nakago is cut. These are the only photos I have.
  2. This is the one I posted in the mantetsu forum that doesnt have stamps on the back of the nakago. The "exhibition" blade.
  3. I feel like I had always known about Japan, which is odd for a kid from Wisconsin. I grew up with my Grandparents living in a Wisconsin town that was also home to a Kikkoman factory. Japanese companies, as they do, keep as much as possible in house. All management and executives were Japanese with the factory workers being a make up of mostly local Wisconsinites. Due to this Japanese families were provided homes in the area to live during their usually 3 to 5 year stints at this factory. Furthermore my grandfather had been stationed on the U.S.S Intrepid during WW2 and due to this experience and his desire to move on/heal from the war he took a trip to Japan. He went as a tourist along with his wife (my grandmother) with an open mind and heart. He absolutely loved his time there and brought back statues of Samurai, geisha, a couple paintings and random bits and bobs decorating the house. This brings me to my childhood among the statues, bits and bobs and the Japanese families in the neighborhood. I met two brothers from Japan whom I became close friends with spending summers playing together. I sampled some of their mothers cooking, saw their cooler than ours transforming robot toys and his father's small collection of Japanese Swords he had purchased here in America. I noticed them...thought about them...then moved on, but it had parked in the back of my young brain. I grew older and discovered I could study abroad. Japan it was, my University just happened to have a partnership with JoChi University in Tokyo, where I ended up transferring and then graduating. I lived in Tokyo for 7 and a half years during which I visited their museums, went into a few antique and sword shops just browsing. Still never had a desire to own a katana of my own but I was soaking up the experiences as I went along. I moved back to America and another 7 and a half years later, without a single thought of katanas, I saw a WW2 parade sword at an antique mall. In that single instant an unavoidable desire burst forth in me to own an authentic antique Japanese sword. One would be mine. I have a powerful collector's gene. I scoured ebay, did some research and then found a seller with a bunch of swords in a nearby city. I contacted him and the next day I was at his War Relics shop. He brought out perhaps 6 or 7 swords and gave me a run down of why they were all in the 2 to 3k range and my hope balloon was slashed by the pricey blades. He then says, "You know what, there's one in back I was going to sell on ebay. Might be perfect for you." He brought out an early type 98 with 27" nagasa, punched tsuba, cat scratch habaki, shinto mumei with some rust on the top portion of the blade. Besides that bit-o-rust it was beautiful. I could feel the history, it smelled of age and had a whisper of old necessity now outdated. It felt important but stoic in its relegation to an artifact. A noble acceptance recognized in age of one well lived who knows its time has passed. Made me want to love it even more. He gave me a good price and I paid in cash to avoid paying tax. Told myself, "I only need to own one". That was a lie. I still though think to how that first sword made me feel. My childhood friends, my grandfather...all the people I met in the US and Tokyo. This sword was important, this sword meant something and still is and does. Just in a different way. War, battle, old ways...each sword belonged to a someone. One sword for one human. Held with intent and by someone who didn't want to lose it; lose their ability to fight, to live. This was important. This meant something. Now it means something to me. I want to learn more.
  4. Don't forget to post pics when you get it
  5. Richard, I started as a gunto guy so I will for sure touch on it as well as showato/non traditional steels. Have a mantetsu and one showato to use for this. Will make sure to touch on the different collector type entries you mentioned at different points. In terms of koshirae I will mention the markets as I go over the pieces. "There are tsuba collectors, fuchi, menuki...etc...and prices can be very costly especially for pieces of outstanding quality, historical note and famous makers..exactly like fine art markets of which these are also part.". I have one papered sword in shirasaya I will show/use that also has a full tachi koshirae. Then a papered sword only in full koshirae. Only things I don't actually have for the basic examples are a tanto and a fake Japanese sword for comparison. Jessi, Mark, I will give the multiple shorter video idea some thought. I will see how things go once I get all the footage and see the "flow" of the video. Its going to take me a bit because I'm shooting footage of swords (which will stergiently fight anyone trying to do it well), me handling swords/koshirae to point out parts/features, will probably have to photoshop some graphics, cite any graphics/photos/video I use by others (if I use any at all) and some footage of a "walk and talk" that ill film for the longer talking segments to make it more interesting. Edit it (this is where my something attuned to perfectionism can hurt me) and of course work my job, and love my fiancee, three dogs and a cat. Also hopefully this snowing finally calms down because I also shovel my rental properties. My goal is to keep it under 20 minutes and change things up enough to keep attention. Also aim to have it finished anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks from today. Maybe less if life, work and filming/equipment is kind to me
  6. Barry, It would take hours and hours to really dive into all this stuff. A lot of help when I was just starting would have been someone laying out the generals simply and alone. The in depth study Grey mentions when he says it takes study over the course of years to really understand is what comes next. I just want to show the entryway. I was actually hesitant to do shape beyond briefly showing a bit while going over the era portion because it gets quickly into that "would take hours and hours" category. Some shape stuff also applies while going over sori etc.. If I found something that showed the broad concepts quickly and names for things in a visual way I could go from there to figure out the specific access points to the further studies quicker. Plus be better able to identify true nihonto off the bat. All this info exists but its scattered. Plus for all I know no one will even watch it, but ill do my best. So my goal is just to basically state the doors and the basic terms while using them with video examples. Ill also try and make it a bit "hip" rather than just classic presentation. Also ill flip the swords to tsuka on the left. This is a peaceful situation. Thanks you for pointing that out, I wasn't aware of that. Grey, I'll make sure to stress the point that the Nihonto path is long, complicated yet rewarding.
  7. Surfson, thank you for that. Before reading your response I typed this up: Here is a brief summary written as I'm eating dinner: Intro speech about Nihonto as a history, an art, a hobby and a market. Advice on how to approach it as a beginner to frame what Im about to go through. sword features: hada, hamon, kissaki, nakago, mei, mune, sori, nagasa, bohi, bonji, horimono etc...will demonstrate examples of each on real swords as I explain them. Condition issues: fatal and non fatal flaws, polish state (and expense of polish). Tired and healthy blades and the indentifying features. categories of blades: Katana, tachi, wakizashi, tanto. (Keeping it simple) Some examples of nakago patina from Koto, muromachi, Kanbun Shinto and ww2 era (what I have). Why patina is important (never clean a nakago etc..) Mention size/shape differences. Mei: Will mostly leave it at their existence and for any specifics point to references. Will mention how old Tachi mei's were on opposite side, mumei and gimei. Will show the meis on all signed blades I have. This is where I will mention the NBTHK and NTHK. History: age ranges of eras (mostly sticking to Jokoto, koto, shinto, shinshinto, gendaito but will say there are deeper classifications) ubu blades vs shortened and how to tell. Showato type blades. Brief intro to some schools and features (signature hamons/yasurimei etc..) then point to references for more info. Koshirae section- show examples of all the pieces (tsuba, Tsuka, ito, kashira/fuchi-kashira, mekugi, menuki, saya, habaki, seppa etc..) mention which pieces historically may be signed, go over materials used etc...(all brief overviews) This is where I will mention useful references. Books, websites, forums etc... Methods of purchasing a blade and advice: This is where I point out some markets and methods and a bit of a FAQ for new buyers. What to ask, warning signs etc.. Finish it with an impassioned speech about how cool this is, how its a winding path fueled by passionate people with friendly strangers you will meet to help guide the way. It is a deep well but one full of history and splendor in these beautiful objects. *This will be my braveheart moment yet not nearly as epic*
  8. Greetings all, I'm currently making an "Intro to Nihonto and Beginner's Buying Guide" video. This video will be a brief overview of nihonto terminology and aspects. Basically what you are seeing in a blade, what to look for and everything I wish I knew right off the bat. I'd like to ask the community for advice on what they think needs to be mentioned for those beginners looking to purchase their first swords. Anything you think is important to know at the start. I currently have a completed script and am in the filming phase where I use an actual gimble and macro lenses unlike the little intro video I made just to post here. I will take then update my script to incorporate any advice received here. Thanks for any replies!
  9. The seller mentioned it possibly being made for the 1944 Exhibition. Wonder if there are entry records on such things. I think the seller is trying to fit answers for differences. Could be...and if so that's cool, if not something funny could be afoot. However, I do think that test blades, experimental pieces, exhibition or example pieces to send around as it was "new" sword tech would all exist. So there could be room for odd ducks.
  10. Another wavy hamon Mantetsu. Kinda odd these are popping up all of a sudden in a clump. Could be its just coming to my attention in a clump and not in general. Also this one has no stamps/number on the back of the nakago.
  11. I kind of think Showa22 uses uchiko or something on blades sometimes but ends up making micro scratches across them. Maybe he gets them that way. I think you got a cool sword, I always eye Emuras when I see them. Emura blades due to the history of his prison and having inmates make blades have that additional interesting factor especially since they can be highly considered. Emura was one of those makers that had a group of people under him making blades and I'm not quite sure if there is a definitive way to know which ones he truly made himself. Alot of the higher value in these seem to be in the polish, this also may be because having to polish it would likely cost over what they command on the market. "Condition condition condition" Love the older punched type 94/98 tsuba & gunto koshirae. I always find Nagamitsu and Emura as a kind of maker "grouping" in gunto discussions...but Emura seems to edge slightly ahead in market and "cool" factor. Showa22 has another Emura listed now for $2500 OBO and its one that was returned by a previous buyer. Probably scratches. Pretty sure I remember the one listed now going for like just under $1500 in the auction before it was returned. Congratulations! Share more pics when it arrives!
  12. Howard, that looks very similar to the one I purchased. Also looks water quenched but doesn't look tamagahane. Odd that it also doesn't have a stamp on it...wonder whats going on with this maker and not having stamps. That is a clean looking blade. The kissaki on mine is also a "fat" one (wide along the mune side). Kind of like the stainless steel navy swords have.
  13. If you could, please post pictures of the blade. Would be curious to see if it looks similar to the one I bought! Also curious if yours has any stamps on it as mine didn't. Had perhaps a spot where one could have possibly been thougb. I can tell mine is non-traditional (not tamagahane) steel but the blade is water quenched and over all is actually quite a beauty. Also curious what the koshirae is....is it gunto?
  14. Wellll seems a pretty obvious and terrible gimei to me. Many of the Kanji aren't even finished.
  15. SteveM, there is no date on the otherside. So just the signature. Ill try and find some mei comparisons.
  16. Had my eye out for o-kissaki swords and came across this one. Appears to be post 1940 and hope to learn the translation of the mei and hear any opinions on the blade. I am very untrained in modern swords and their authenticity and I'm unaware of how good "fakes" are from this modern era or what kind of quality a blade lile this could be considered.
  17. Dale, Wow, thank you for showing that link. I lived in a dorm (which has been torn down since like most of the old campus buildings) on JoChi's campus and never saw that they had a "museum" space. Neat little collection. I guess as the paper does admit it was done "later" it seems an accurate thing. It attributes the tsuba to its original maker and says it also has this thing done by someone else. Guess if their role is to attribute things in an official manner it does that correctly. It seems worthwhile to have an organization that will honestly paper odd ducks (yet real antiques even if modified) to clarify what is there and is/isn't original. Reminds me of this sword below that has now sold on ebay. The papers don't mention a horimono so it just attributes/ confirms the blades maker/mei. I had wondered what the nbthk would do if asked to paper it now. I'd think they would do like this tsubas papers. Confirm the mei and state horimono added more recently type thing.
  18. Just in case here is the correct papers. Totally missed that the papers didn't match the tsuba in that photo. Interesting development on this one as you guys have shared a glimpse into the "underground" Christian tsuba market. What would Jesus think!? The title of the listing mentions nbthk but only seems to have the ntkk document (posted below) and really does almost try to appear like an nbthk document to untrained eyes.
  19. Saw this tsuba for sale and it caught my eye. I haven't seen anything like it. Christianity has some old roots and complicated histories in Japan. The Martin Scorsese movie "Silence" touches on a period of this and the University I graduated from JoChi has a part in this history as well "The origins of Sophia University could be traced to 1549 when Saint Francis Xavier, a prominent member and co-founder of the Society of Jesus, arrived in Japan to spread Christianity. In his letters to his fellow Jesuits, he had expressed hopes of establishing a university in Japan.[10][11] During the so-called Kirishitan period of Japanese history, the Catholic Church had been responsible for establishing and administering educational institutions in Japan called Collegios and Seminarios, serving as bridges between the East and West. William H. O'Connell had been appointed as a special ambassador of the Vatican to Japan. The establishment of the University only began to take place more than 400 years from St. Francis Xavier's arrival in Japan. In 1903, three Jesuit priests from Europe came to Japan to continue the missionary work of the Church and to help establish Sophia University. One of the founders, Fr. Joseph Dahlmann, SJ from Germany, who had come to Japan via India, had listened to the requests of Catholics in the country, who expressed their desires to construct a Catholic university to serve as the cultural and spiritual base of the Church's missionary operations in Japan." Anyways, cool tsuba I thought would be fun to share.
  20. One of his with that wording with an o-kissaki tempted me recently, but I didn't buy.
  21. Ended up buying that red German seven samurai poster (from 1976) and last thing is a woodblock print that calls to me. I do also have an oshigata of one of my swords I could use. Its funny though as I'm going to be buying a house soon and all of this is in preparation for some future space that doesnt exist yet. But soon.......sooooooon............completed an armor stand for my yoroi, menpo and kabuto and purchased a second foldable sword stand (im a big fan of these) im going to modify to hold more blades to fit the entire collection. So should have a nice little corner when done.
  22. Been on the hunt for some artwork to go along with sword displays. The go to seems logically Japanese woodblock prints and I'm still waiting to find the right one. Other tempting options for me are original akira kurosawa movie film posters. Then there are possibly some on theme original paintings, antique photos perhaps calligraphy. So far I've only purchased two pieces which are original manga art from the 80's with samurai (posted below). They won't be everyone's style but I also collect original comic art so it bridges the two. Wondering what others have and do with any artwork/images to go along with their sword/armor/fittings etc...collections.
  23. Oof, a kai gunto is on my want list. Woof! Sold!
  24. Guido, interesting and thank you...I wonder if Yamaha had a meaning behind that when it commissioned those in 1986...
  25. Bummer its s good little video. Took screenshots of the view and the little hidden shrine.
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