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Everything posted by 0Takeda0

  1. Thanks, I will try asking on there instead
  2. Arisaka with straight gaurd, blued blade, Matsushita Kinzoku Markings I'm wanting to learn more about these bayonets. I'm also wondering if this one is genuine, and if so, what year it was probably made. I know very little about bayonets, and any information would be appreciated
  3. Thank you, that answers a lot of my questions about the tsuka
  4. I don't know anything about fittings. I'm wondering if someone can give me any idea about the quality, make, era, of the fittings on this tsuka. The tsuka belongs to a shin-tou wakizashi I have that is in pretty bad shape. Thanks in advance.
  5. Thanks for the help, that answers most of my questions
  6. This is exactly what I thought. Seems like a few corners were cut. I thought it should have at least an extra spacer or two, but the handle fits perfectly, and none of the parts are loose. The parts don't look modern, at least not to me.
  7. Habaki. This part almost looks like it's new to me, but I'm not sure.
  8. Very possible, but everything seems to fit right, and most of the hardware looks antique in person. The tsuba seems to have lost almost all of it's original finish.
  9. This is NOT my photo, this is a picture taken by the person who sold it to me. I am away from the sword at the moment. I will post better pics tomorrow at some point. It is hard to see, but the scabbard is covered with samegawa.
  10. The spot almost reminds me of the stamp on the tang of the Kai Gunto in this thread:
  11. I'll get blade pics later
  12. It's a small blade just under 24 inches. Appears to be monosteel, basic gunome hamon (likely oil heat treated), can't find a stamp except a small black dot at the bottom of the nakago, which might not mean anything. Can't find any numbers on the fittings either, if that matters. Has two hangers and a stingray skin saya. There is some kind of writing on the nakago. I want to learn more about it. I'm looking to hear what others have to say.
  13. Nakago is an odd shape. Looks similar to a "kamikaze" dagger to me, but I'm not sure.
  14. First image shows a rust spot that almost looks like a character, below the top mekugi ana. Second image shows an area where a stamp might have been in my opinion. I know it's still not much to go off of.
  15. http://www.ksky.ne.jp/~sumie99/suriage.html
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