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Everything posted by HannesT

  1. I‘m in awe of my current addition to my collection an Edo iron Tsuba made by Inshu Ju Suruga. I like the simplicity of the shape and carved out floral detail. I was looking for a design like this for a while. Thanks Hannes
  2. Hello everyone, I would like to ask you for tips to restore the patina (blank spots, rust) I already heard the following ideas: - Boiling water - Spit (no joke) - Storage exposed to weather, windowsill or similar Of course, I don't want to damage the tsuba Have you already tried to restore it yourself—or better leave it to the pros? It concerns the Tsuba attached. Thanks Hannes
  3. Thank you so much for the warm welcome. I contacted the seller. He says that the nakago was adjusted based on the flow of the Hamon, as it doesn't end in a curve and extends into the Nakago (just as Ken pointed out ) Regarding the hole in the Shinogi close to the Yokote, he took another close look at it. It is not a repaired or filled in area (covering up Umegane or Fukure) the hole looks like it was drilled into the blade. Diameter is 1mm. What could that be for? So too many questions remain open, I will pass on this one. Instead I just signed up for the NBTHK membership. Regarding Iaido, I study Muso Shinden Ryu under Ishido Sensei. I think that a martial art like this certainly provides respect and admiration for the matter. Thanks Hannes
  4. Hello everyone, This is my first post in the forum. I have been interested in Japanese culture for a long time, also encouraged by my 10 years of martial arts studies in Iaido. I have been collecting Tsuba for some time now and would like to get my first Nihonto. My budget is limited and it is absolutely clear to me that you get what you pay for, not the less I would like to buy a Wakizashi and would like to ask you for your honest opinion about this offer on Ebay. Thank you very much for your help. Hannes
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