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    Carlos M.

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  1. Even if fake, it has a price. So if it was given for free, you have something.
  2. I would love to attend. Which country? Shinsa would be espectacular.
  3. But I belive the cost of making a stamp with 4 numbers instead of 5 would be the same, yet they make that kind of mistake Unless there are some legit 5 digit stamps out there. Anyway, I'm sorry for the derail, I'm just trying to learn.
  4. Chinese could make perfect replicas. My question is, why do they make those mistakes? What for?
  5. This must be done.
  6. Thank you for the info!!!!
  7. I thought oil tempered doesn't has hamon, just hada.
  8. Looks like it.
  9. I was just sharing my desire to see some WIP pictures, nothing to be sorry about I enjoyed the reading.
  10. Looks like the mekugi didn't fill the ana.
  11. Why do we have swords with 600 years on their back, yet if we don't love ours for five minutes they get rust spots?
  12. The lack of pictures of the previous condition and the restoration proccess is disturbing me
  13. Abaris

    Shibuichi tsuba

    Pictures are broken
  14. You should ask in the correct Military forum. Oretty sure you will get better answers! It looks incredible, BTW.
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