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Everything posted by Kiipu

  1. Marlinspike or in some cases macramé.
  2. I think so. It was obviously a large operation to still have old blade stock about as the Seki stamp had been dropped by then. This could imply the blades were inspected prior to the mei? The fittings are typical of those used in 1944 on donated blades and maybe this applies to commercial production as well. Seki dropped the metal scabbards and switched to wooden ones. However, some of the military contract Type 100s were still using steel until 1945. The Seki guild list only goes to about September 1944. So our mutual friend Daigō dates to sometime after that?
  3. Definitely a Seki 関 stamp. Another Gifu Prefecture swordsmith update for Mal & Co., Ltd.
  4. The alphanumeric Mantetsu, that is those with an A to V serial number prefix, have the markings in the following positions. There have been no exceptions so far. Obverse (Ura-mei 裏銘): Year & Season. Reverse (Omote-mei 表銘): SMR logo. Starting with the W-series, the Kōa Isshin 興亜一心 slogan takes the place of the SMR logo.
  5. Below is the contents. 目次 近代日本における陸軍の正剣と佩刀概史(明治最初期から元帥刀まで) 1. 軍刀の栞(軍刀外装に於ける実用新案等) 19. 皇紀二千六百年記念 月山貞勝日本刀頒布會 27. 軍人會館酒保部 軍装品案内 昭和14年5月版 36. 日本刀と陸軍刀 陸軍大将 奈良武次 44. 軍人會館酒保部 軍刀案内 昭和10年4月版 47. 軍刀の選択(軍刀の長さ、研ぎ方、軍刀外装の研究) 49. 陸海軍将官の愛刀は何か 64. 刀剣の外装を語る(新軍刀の意見、軍刀改良への待望) 71.
  6. I am missing this one from the bibliography. When time permits, can you provide a citation for it at the link below? Bibliography of Japanese Modern Edged Weapons, 1868-1945
  7. That would be a swordsmith located in the Tōkyō area. The best person to ask would be Chris Bowen. Tōkyō 東京 Ikeda Kunitada 池田國忠.
  8. I have the blue hardcover (2nd printing) that I will be listing for sale soon. Asking US$300.
  9. It is a Type 95 Military Sword 九五式軍刀 used by enlisted personal and also available for purchase by officers. Based upon the serial number, it was assembled by a company called Kōbe 合名会社・神戸商店. Looks like a nice, fun fixer-upper to me. Some like a challenge while others do not.
  10. 兼則 = Kanenori. 昭和十八年八月 = 1943 August.
  11. Picture resolution is too low to determine if there are any Japanese characters or not. Try posting a larger size image that is in focus.
  12. It is probably USS Andromeda (AKA-15). She was at Okinawa during April 1945. AKA = attack cargo ship.
  13. The yellow paint on the obverse is the number 536. 五三六 = 536.
  14. Cross-Reference 興亜一心 満鐵作之 = Kōa Isshin Mantetsu kore wo tsukuru. 昭和辛巳春 = 1941 Spring. ソ二一九 = SO-219. Help with translation on family NCO sword @Blaise
  15. A YouTube video of a 31st series Mantetsu can be seen via the link below. The crossguard is pierced and the polish is amazing. Special thanks goes to Trystan for grabbing a screenshot of the serial number. 昭和癸未春 = 1943 Spring. 興亜一心 満鐵作 = Kōa Isshin Mantetsu saku. ケ三〇八 = KE 308. 軍刀興亜一心滿鐵刀
  16. The serial number on the top edge of the tang, called a nakago mune, is ソ二一九 [SO 219]. If there is a second tick mark in the upper left hand corner, then it is ツ TSU.
  17. 兼道 Kanemichi. 昭和十八年二月 1943 February.
  18. Ramberg san, can you post an overall picture of the sword with the scabbard placed below the blade. Also, is there any numbers stamped on any of the parts? Not sure about that. It looks more like 二 二 to me. Maybe even some type of clamp markings?
  19. Maybe 大豪 Daigō?
  20. A reproduction Type 95 with a serial number stamped on the top edge of the blade! Do not recall ever seeing this before. New Collector ~ NCO Sword - Serial Number
  21. Sorry to be a pest, but what characters are used in the mei and what is the most likely reading? 昭和十九年秋 1944 Autumn.
  22. I am on a different computer and did not pick up on this. Interesting to say the least. FYI, there is another souvenir sword at that website. I learned about that site via a link that you posted recently!
  23. I don't recall seeing a reproduction with a serial number stamped on the spine of the blade before. @Stegel
  24. Encircled anchor with black painted 95. Nice ww2 late war Japanese Naval sword SOLD
  25. @mecox Who is this? s499 nice Japanese Gunto sword star stamped gendaito pat 44 mounts
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