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Everything posted by Yuradneprov

  1. Bought this katana for a good price know nothing about it feel free to comment if you know anything about this particular piece.i know it could use a polish.
  2. Only other pic I got showing blade
  3. Yes your absolutely right Steve looks like I have a lot of research to do. Pretty much new at this so have a lot to learn. Thank you for the advice
  4. Feel free to comment thanks.
  5. Thank you for the advice and the translation does the signature look like it's legit?
  6. I know Raymond just looking around was trying buy a good looking blade for cheap and came across one but the mei was faint so I asked everyone if they had seen anything remotely close to this. Where is a good place for beginners to look for blades I just like auction because sometimes you could get a good deal.
  7. I know but these are the only pics that are listed on eBay sorry.
  8. Very faint mei can someone make this out or maybe someone seen this signature before
  9. Please translate this mei
  10. Like I said please provide references to the information you are stating otherwise I don't mean to be rude but doesnt mean anything unless you have something to back up what you are saying. Second it's completely rational to show you the mei of masatsugu because it's the same wordsmith his writing isn't going to change just because he is using a different name.
  11. Here is another example ed. This one is signed suikanshi sadahide https://www.aoijapan.com/appraisal-quiz-390/
  12. There are more available references with his mei pictures if you'd like me to post.
  13. https://yuhindo.com/suishinshi-masatsugu/ This is states what I mentioned earlier and if you compasre the handwriting they are identical even the etching in each kanji almost as if he didn't have a steady hand
  14. Not a problem ed will post references shortly for now this is the actual sword.
  15. To be honest with you ed and Jeremiah I did my due diligence and sadahide mostly signed as masatsugu and if you look at the mei on most of his swords and then look at the mei on the sword I listed it's a perfect match not saying that it's official yet but I'm very confident that it's the real deal. But I appreciate the comments also if you could would be nice to show what discrepancies your talking about at least a link or reference. Yura dneprov
  16. Thank you guys and is this swordsmith considered a good find or not so much? I believe its the son of Masahide.
  17. Any idea if this looks like a real mei?
  18. Yes Yura Dneprov is my first and last name
  19. So he’s not a scammer or anything like that?
  20. Here is the other side as well
  21. Need help translating mei curious who made this katana. Yura Dneprov
  22. Thank you Greg will do, and will change it Brian
  23. That is my first and last name ken
  24. Oh ok I understand thanks Raymond
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