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Rich S

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Everything posted by Rich S

  1. That's like what I made, only solid red and without the fancy tassels.
  2. I made my own. Some fake silk like cloth, sewed into a 3" tube, turned inside out to hide seam. Tied off one end with thread, stuffed with cotton from drug store, tied off other end. Nice sword pillow. Easy to do. Rich
  3. Rich S

    Any guesses?

    Brian Wise choice. I'll bet that fancy Shiro doesn't cut any better than my SAK Tinker or Rough Ryder flipper (both about $20 each) Rich
  4. Rich S

    Any guesses?

    Brian Just my $0.02 worth, but I'd keep the wak (very nice) any day over a fancy modern Russian folder (and I'm primary a knife guy). Rich
  5. Maybe a presentation sword of some type? Purely a guess. Interesting koshirae.
  6. Would love to see whole tsuba. rich
  7. Yes, the error was in listing it at all. Rich
  8. Geraint Your pic above brings up another question. At what time period did the Japanese start using screws for mekugi instead of bamboo.etc.? Rich
  9. Bjorn Nice blade, I suspect Bizen due to the crab claw choji hamon. (Also part of the mei is Bizen Osafune - I think) leave it to others for translation. The fuchu/kashira are not a matched set IMHO, but I love the Fuchi - reminds me of our current weather, icicles dripping off roof. Tsuba needs lots of TLC. I like the blade. Looks to me like a good, old one. Rich
  10. John To me it looks choji, but let's see what others say. Rich
  11. Carl No idea of translation, but I love the Tiger - beautiful piece. Rich
  12. Just wondering, is there a possible prank here?? Really two different tsuba. A good one that I feel for , if it is Rich
  13. Very interesting and a bit strange to my old eyes. I've never handled a Shingen tsuba, but thought they were "woven" from side to side. ??? I wonder if this tsuba is two separate tsuba layered back to back?? How no idea, just pure speculation. Rich
  14. Dale Glad to know my tsuba isn't totally worthless That's more than I paid for mine. Rich
  15. I have two examples to contribute: Both I'm pretty sure are Nagoya. Neither have the goldish nanako rims, so I assume later (tourist) production. Rich
  16. Robert I also am very saddened to hear about Mittens. I was hoping for better news. I am so sorry for Mittens and you. I also know the pain of loosing a companion. Rich
  17. Robert Let us know how Mittens makes out at the vets. Hoping for the best. Rich
  18. Robert - Wow, Mittens looks like our tuxedo cat, Ridge. I hope Mittens has a good life whatever is remaining of it. We lost our previous cat, also a rescue, to cancer 2.5 years ago. It is always hard to loose a companion. My heart and Ridge's goes out to you and Mittens. Rich
  19. Indeed, a nice looking tanto. Rich
  20. Problems with Ebay and Paypal are why I left Ebay years ago. Just not worth the hassle. Rich
  21. If not milk, then what?? What offer?? You guys have totally lost me but that's not unusual. Rich
  22. Milk for a nickel??? Maybe out where you guys have lots of cows I don't know about the price of milk in the 80's, I was drinking scotch Rich
  23. Nice, but way over priced IMHO. I only paid $300 for one and $350 for the other, both in excellent polish, shingunto koshirae (have another) at the Baltimore show. Choji-midare hamon isn't rare. Two of mine are. Of course that was a mere 40 years ago. Rich
  24. Beautiful set. Thanks for sharing it. Rich
  25. I have one head of a 3/4 inch dia. cast brass tsuba with pusher cast on the blank backside. No idea where or when I got it. Has anyone noticed that some of the recent (1980's up) have tiny Kanji cast/stamped on to the side of the hammer head? Both my large brass ones do, but different Kanji (too small to photograph). Rich
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