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Everything posted by MichaelZWilliamson

  1. That was very helpful for that package, thank you very much. I'll have more and some vintage books to follow.
  2. This will be an entirely different set. There are literally hundreds of pieces in the estate, from 1850s to recent. The antiques are obvious. The newer ones vary.
  3. [img]http://www.sharppointythings.com/piwigo/_data/i/upload/2022/06/23/20220623205921-7d6bb9e6-me.jpg[/img] outer binder [img]http://www.sharppointythings.com/piwigo/_data/i/upload/2022/06/23/20220623205927-e214b2e4-me.jpg[/img] binder for a pair of pics [img]http://www.sharppointythings.com/piwigo/_data/i/upload/2022/06/23/20220623205934-55165bd7-me.jpg[/img] still has its tracing paper cover [img]http://www.sharppointythings.com/piwigo/_data/i/upload/2022/06/23/20220623205938-97530f19-me.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.sharppointythings.com/piwigo/_data/i/upload/2022/06/23/20220623205944-508c4ad6-me.jpg[/img] again has the paper cover I'll get pics of some definitely antique ones tomorrow.
  4. Thanks. I'm trying to determine when this set of prints was made, and what the entire set is worth. I'll upload some pics to my site to share.
  5. They all have a folder, description, and onionskin liner.
  6. Same estate as the swords we sold has a bunch of woodblock prints, especially Hiroshige. We need to ID and valuate them, and sell them, relatively soon. This is one set of 48 in 24 binders, 2 per. Approximately 15x12
  7. I found one on an auction site in better condition and reduced my asking price from that one. They seem to be quite scarce.
  8. As a professional writer with 9 WSJ bestsellers, I can confirm that excerpts for review, critique, or education are perfectly okay.
  9. Very cool. Thanks for the info. I need to figure price range and where to sell it.
  10. Okay. So this is 20th century, I assume? That's a neat bit of history.
  11. Thanks. Can you elaborate those terms? And the estate will be selling it, as it did most of the swords.
  12. From my friend's estate. Appears to be hardened, lacquered leather. As found in the attic.
  13. Stainless can rust, but the rust on this suggests carbon steel based on my experience.
  14. We found one more. Naval dirk, I think. There's what appears to be a faint hamon, probably cleaned off. I don't know if this style dismounts, or if so, how to do so.
  15. What I'm still seeing on my screen is this: Drag files here to attach, or choose files... No file chosen Max total size: 4.88 MB
  16. They're linked from my site. I have a lot of bandwidth--my wife owns the server. But it's not unlimited. I still can't add any new images to the site. I started with 25 MB available, and it's been 4.88 MB since the first upload.
  17. I'll be deleting most of the images from my online archive soon. Anyone is welcome to keep copies for reference. Thanks for helping ID and sell these.
  18. Last one. The ashi are loose and slide freely.
  19. I expect it's gimei. That looks like a much more recent blade. Anyone?
  20. Can you elaborate on that for me, please?
  21. I love the hamon on this one, though.
  22. Also interested in paying them for this one. Inside the leather, the ishizuki has come loose.
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