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francois2605 last won the day on October 3 2024

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About francois2605

  • Birthday 05/26/1974

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  • Location:
    Paris, France
  • Interests
    Gendaito, shinsakuto & tsuba

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  • Name
    Francois R.

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  1. Not sure if you already found this about Moritaka. The source is Markus Sesko's Encyclopedia of Japanese Swordsmiths
  2. I have a Moritaka with a similar slogan. It's signed "Koteki Mu Kotsu Minamoto Moritaka + Kao" According to the seller: "Muteki Kotsu = patriotic saying & meaning "our enemy has no backbone""
  3. Here's one of my favorite tsuba. I love the irregular shape and the texture of the iron.
  4. Maxime, when I look up Markus Sesko's Swordsmiths of Japan, I can see 4 entries for Hirofusa. and Are you using an old edition of the e-book ? Note: According to ChatGPT, the swordsmith's kanji in the paper are 広総 which would be the 4th entry
  5. What a terrible loss. I never thought I would read this news on the forum. I'm shocked. Condolences to his family.
  6. Hi @Abaris, Here are some pictures I just took of the renovated koshirae. As you can see it uses mother of pearl and the lacquer used has a green tint. I was really happy with Mike's work. He renovated the koshirae before Brexit was a thing and when it was easy to ship swords to the UK. As far as I remember, the shitodome were made by Mike
  7. Mark, you probably already know it if you're into macro-photography: you can greatly boost the magnifying factor of your macro-lens by using those tubes between your lens and the camera body. Example below from this webpage: https://www.canon.fr...ens-extension-tubes/
  8. 3 different pictures shot with a Canon EF F/1.8 - 100mm macro lens. Mark, using a macro lens is IMO a must-have if you want to properly capture the activity of a sword. You'll see things you can't see with your own eyes
  9. Indeed, there are some inaccuracies and overstatements however the technical explanations regarding the metallurgic aspects are worth watching I think. It's the first video I've seen explaining so well what happens at quenching time.
  10. Not sure if some of you follow this channel (that I personally love), the guy posted a video about the forge of Japanese swords: Haven't seen yet but given the usual quality of his videos...
  11. What are you supposed to answer if you regularly buy but never sold ?
  12. Same here. This kyu-gunto tassel is really a work of art.
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