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Artur DrogaMiecza

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Artur DrogaMiecza last won the day on April 5 2021

Artur DrogaMiecza had the most liked content!


About Artur DrogaMiecza

  • Birthday 10/19/1968

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    work - tsukamaki especially jabaramaki techniques, woodwork techniques, tosogu.

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  1. Hello, I would like to offer, some new items for sale. Please use the link to see the full description in my dealer section. https://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/50727-overview-of-50-items/#comment-529489 Thank You.
  2. Some new items on offer. I am open to price offers if you would like to buy 2 or more. Shipping US$14,- 82. Saga Kaneie, https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720306582981/ 83. Saotome, https://www.flickr.c...ms/72157719537952270 84. Nata + Kama motif, Mito probably, https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720295425617/ 85. Sign. Shoami Shigeie, https://www.flickr.c...s/72157719922192092/ 86. Higo taste tsuka, Sakura fittings, https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720308127976/ 87. Nishigaki, https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720306649272/ 88. Echizen Kinai tsaste, Pumpkin, https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720317104343/ 89. Nishigaki taste, Waves + Paulownia leaf https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720307292378/ 90. Bushu/Sunagawa tsuba probably, https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720316073902/ Have fun and have a nice, day!
  3. Some new items on offer. Please use the link to see the full description in my dealer section. https://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/50727-overview-of-50-items/ Thank You.
  4. Some new items on offer. I am open to price offers if you would like to buy 2 or more. Shipping US$14,- 73 Tsuba Owari https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720314515612/ 74 Tsuba birds + clouds https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720322041617/ 75 Tsuba Cross + fundo rys https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720317131483/ 76 Fuchi Kashira, Zhuge Liang, https://www.flickr.com/photos/artur_drogamiecza/albums/72177720315537036/ 77 Higo koshirae https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720295409363/ 78 Fuchi, kashira, iron, nice inlays https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720321232096/ 79 Tsuba Dragon https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720317582805/ 80 Tsuka Kawaito Kumiagemaki Nuri Tsuka https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720304582933/ 81 Tsuba Nanban, https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720315530137/ Have fun and have a nice day!
  5. Some new items on offer. Please use the link to see the full description in my dealer section. https://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/50727-overview-of-50-items/ Thank You.
  6. Some new items on offer. I am open to price offers if you would like to buy 2 or more. Shipping US$14,- 64. Wild Geese and snow flakes shape of hits ana, Owari taste https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720316702510/ 65. Chrysanthemum mimi, matsukawabishi shape of hitsu ana, pine needle, Kyo sukashi taste: https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720313190261/ 66. Waves, moon and magatama shaped rim: https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720301610066/ 67. Chrysanthemum carvings, copper: https://www.flickr.c...s/72157719353920793/ 68. Saya, very nice lacquer: https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720320897436/ 69. Hikiryo mon, clouds, gold, silver inlays, hira zogan: https://www.flickr.c...s/72157719495559377/ 70. Fuchi kashira, copper, Radish with silver inlays: https://www.flickr.c...s/72157719537933890/ 71. Tsuka, morotsunami maki with oyatsubu, copper FK with yasurime and gold rope shaped rims, menuki - probably quiver: https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720320940489/ 72. Fuchi kashira, nanako +kashima zogan: https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720321232066/ Have fun and have a nice day!
  7. Some new items on offer. Please use the link to see the full description in my dealer section. https://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/50727-overview-of-50-items/ Thank You.
  8. Some new items on offer: 55. Kiri, Paulownia and waves, Nishigaki taste https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720307292378/ 56. Menuki. Takahashi mon https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720301813096/ 57. Sold Yoshiro taste, Mon and arabesque design https://www.flickr.c...ms/72177720313238527 58. Menuki. Instruments: omote: Koto+sho Ura: Biwa+flute. https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720307486627/ 59. Akasaka/Higo taste Pine tree, fog and river, https://www.flickr.c...ms/72177720316988958 60. Menuki. Persimmon branch with fruit https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720306657986/ 61. Plain tsuba, signed: Right: 紀州住 Kishū jū, Left: 貞命 Teimei https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720312543890/ 62. Fuchi kashira set of copper, nice carvings https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720305965899/ 63. Choshu (Hagi) taste, Bamboo leafs and Plum tree https://www.flickr.c...s/72177720316795702/ Have fun and have a nice day!
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