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Artur DrogaMiecza

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Artur DrogaMiecza last won the day on April 5 2021

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About Artur DrogaMiecza

  • Birthday 10/19/1968

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    work - tsukamaki especially jabaramaki techniques, woodwork techniques, tosogu.

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  1. Hello, I offer new item for sale. Wonderful koshirae, Higo taste. More photos and description can be found in my dealer section: https://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/51269-higo-taste-wakizashi-koshirae/
  2. Welcome, My name is Artur and I live in Poland. My passion is Japanese art related to samurai swords, and I am particularly fascinated by koshirae, tsukamaki and tsuba. If, like me, you are interested in this extraordinary craft or just want to learn more, I invite you to my website and follow me on social media. There I share news, inspirations and unique items. See you online! Contact via NMB messenger, Facebook/Instagram messenger or email drogamiecza@gmail.com (preferred for convenience). In case of contact, please let me know that you found my offer on NMB. links: my full offer: https://www.flickr.c...r_drogamiecza/albums my social media: https://www.facebook.../artur.drogamiecza.5 https://www.instagra...om/artur.drogamiecza please see my feedback on ebay: https://feedback.eba...le/artur_drogamiecza Some of my works can be found here. https://www.flickr.c...s/72157718519552084/ Thank You.
  3. Thank You very much!
  4. Hello, I would like to ask for help in understanding what features will help me understand if this is Kanayama or Ko-shoami tsuba? Please note that I'm a beginner. I will be happy for any tip. Dimensions: mm: 76,5 x 76 x 5,0 (mimi: 5,7), Ts626391
  5. Understand. This tsuba is free of similar stains as resin ect. Slight signs of red rust appeared quite quickly when I kept it on the wall.
  6. Yes, you can see imperfect places. it is obvious. Maybe too obvious... I have to add that both of these tsuba were bought from different sellers in different cities (Japan). BTW I feel sorry for you buying a frankenstein tsuba, I understand that it was a big trauma for you since you still remember it and remember it today. Do you have a picture of your frankenstein for my photo collection ;). Let;s have fun!
  7. Didn't we talk about a month ago via messenger (FB) about the tsuba attached?
  8. Hello, For some time I have been focusing on iron tsuba, looking for items older than mid Edo. Here are a few of them. Your clues as to the school and the probable age of the individual objects will be helpful in my research. I will be able to confirm or revise my assumptions. I'm a beginner and I'm learning, please bear with me. Thanks a lot... 1. 2. 3. 4.
  9. Hello, after a long break. I found some time to enjoy my hobbies. I dug up some interesting items and here is one of them. Due to my interests in the subject of tsukamaki, I am looking for various unusual items related to it. 2 or 3 years earlier, I came across a rather unusual set of fuchi kashira. Something very special in my opinion. At first glance, it's just fuchi kashira of suaka. In real, it was made of urushi and tonoko on copper base. Beautiful lacquered mon and stamps. Due to the low utility value, it was made to show skill or as a gift. Have you come across any other handle fittings of this type? Any hints? Happy Christmas.
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  10. Hello, First I did wrong. Ura Menuki installed 4 hishi before kashira. I corrected - I installed 2 hishi before kashira. I wanted to not cover the fusahimo braid on the Menuki ura. Wide diamonds to show the large samegawa grain. Soon I will show all koshirae with this tsuka. Take care! Shellfish lacquered stipes - new technique recognizing.
  11. Hello, I have completed the koshirae project. The first time I was wrapping a curved and rounded saya - naginata shape. It was an interesting experience. Working with samegawa is done after it gets wet and you need to know the drying and shrinking time of the skin to do this. What was new to me in this project were: - new shape of the seppa rim, - leveling the braid on the sides of the tsuka - jabaraito katatemaki, so that the attached tsukaito strips on tsuka ura are not visible - tsunagi - first job. Saya and tsuka was made of Ho wood, tsunagi - alder wood. I still need more practice with wood work, have to buy more tools Thanks for watching. Best
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