Rural and semi rural areas are tricky for internet in Aus. My area is probably a bit more rural than Dale's, but him being in Tasmania, may be in a similar situation. In my area we do not get any fibreoptic internet connections, they are impossible due to rocky terain and many hills; consequently, we access internet wirelessly via central internet towers (this is what I am on), but you have to live within a fairly small radius, and you need to have "line of sight" for it to work. Mobile networks are generally pretty good (at least telstra is) but Dale doesn't use this as far as I know. Satellite is a possibility, but it is very expensive, comparitively speaking.
Hoping he is just OS... I actually believe this, but at the same time I have had conversations with him in the past about "sending out the search parties" after not hearing back from each other for much shorter durations. And now, here i am....