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Tengu1957 last won the day on December 26 2024

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About Tengu1957

  • Birthday 12/15/1957

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    US North carolina
  • Interests
    swords, armor, matchlock guns, Tsuba

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    Gary Grose

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  1. Tengu1957


    Armor would be sengoku to late Edo Swords/pole arms are Kamakura to shinshinto Teppo are Edo Tsuba are mostly late Muromachi to Edo
  2. Tengu1957


    Room 3 I can't get an image small enough to attach but it's a table of Tsuba along with the images attached.
  3. Tengu1957


    This is room 2 of 3. Mostly storage for swords but a Saotome armor and a lot of Tetsubin and books. I'm doing an exhibition now at the North Carolina Museum of art ( the making of a warrior ) from Oct 19 2025 to Feb 2 2025. You can see images on line. A lot is missing because it's there. The curator picked what she wanted so skipped over many of the Kamakura jidai swords.
  4. Tengu1957


    Room 1 of 3. It's getting to be a bit much.
  5. It's Kinzogan. I will take a better image of the activity. It must have been quite long before the Osuriage. Sorry for the poor images.
  6. It's not mentioned in the saya gaki who added it. The paper did not mention it either but both agreed with the attribution.
  7. I don't remember that I had posted this before but if I had it's been some time ago. O Suriage Nambokucho Tachi attributed to Sa Sadayoshi , student of O Sa . One of the 10 best students of Masamune. It has a kin zogan mei Sa , Sadayoshi on both side of the Nakago. There is an Edo period Horimono added to the sword. 71.2 cm Syagaki by Mr. Tanobe
  8. Etchu Zunari Kabuto and Menpo , Edo period. Extra tall for this style.
  9. Edo period Kabuto and Menpo The Hachi on this set is lacquered leather. It was often commissioned by older men who could not wear an iron Kabuto for long periods of time. The Menpo is signed and made of iron. The noble face or expression on the Menpo was often favored by older men as well. A leather bowl could repel sword strikes as well as iron ones. Many thanks to Nick Ricupero for selling this to me.
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  10. Wakizashi for a Daimyo O-Suriage sword 58 cm NBTHK TH to Taima school Kamakura , Yamato Den Fittings all matching to Mori clan , Habaki solid gold with Mon I have not seen the papers for the fittings yet This is believed to have belonged to one of the Daimyo from Mori because of the extensive use of their Mon. The fittings are unsigned , when the papers come back it will help date which Daimyo it may have been Many thanks to Mike Yamasaki for selling this to me
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  11. Andy , The item came from a friend who has had it for more than 40 years. I'm fully aware of who you are and what your reputation is. You may interpret that however you like.
  12. I'm 66 , started at 22
  13. Nagamaki Naoshi Katana Nambokucho period - mid 1300's 64.8 cm NBTHK Hozon Hokke School , associated with Bingo Mihara Many thanks to Mike Yamasaki for selling this to me.
  14. Tengu1957

    Iron Maidate

    Maidate ,Edo period Iron with a light coating of dark brown lacquer 38.2 cm X 3.6 cm Repousse Hachiman Daibujin , the great god of war Hachiman
  15. Tengu1957

    Ubu Tachi

    Jussi , thank you. It just gives a different feel in hand for what all of the O Suriage swords must have been like as Ubu. I don't take very good photos buts it's better than it looks here. I will be interested to see what it will paper to.
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