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David Flynn

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Everything posted by David Flynn

  1. I have this Hizen gendaito . I can get Hizen Kuni Something Mitsu. Can't get the something kanji. Thanks.
  2. Rai.
  3. Even though cleaning tangs is a no no, it's never the end of the world. Yes it does detract and on Mumei can be devastating (harder to determine age). If the sword is signed and the workmanship is commensurate, then it's not too detrimental.
  4. This is Torii Zori not Koshizori.
  5. Interestingly, this sword wasn't made directly for Wilhelm 11 rather it was presented to him, whilst in the Netherlands, in 1921.
  6. Ikkansai Shigetsugu, also was commissioned to make a sword for Hitler. Clive Sinclair, is now the owner after being in the Han Biong Song collection.
  7. Looks like Mino den, to me. Any better photo's?
  8. I believe Paul Martin, is doing a book on Kokuho.
  9. Nice sword. I think, the smith does the first ana and then If the Koshirae maker doesn't like the position, he adds a second one to make the Koshirae fit.
  10. 1000000 Mexican Peso's
  11. Unfortunately, it's a depressed market.
  12. The hamon looks like a Showato.
  13. David Flynn

    Japanese Sword

    Hard to tell with the condition, however, I have a feeling this is a Shinshinto, trying to look Koto. The overall sugarta doesn't look right to me, to be Osuriage. Also, the hole appear to be drilled. I have seen a few of this type of sword.
  14. I don't think the appraiser knows much. I don't think he can tell the difference between Yamashiro, Yamato and Mino.
  15. David Flynn

    Japanese Sword

    G'day Hal, Where in Oz are you? I'm in Sydney if I can help.
  16. Need more photos. At a quick glance, to me it appears to be, Late Muromachi or early Shinto.
  17. Don't forget, the sword market is depressed at present.
  18. The only background on them, is that I bought them as is. Kozuke Daijo Sukesada, is the pre-eminent, Shinto Sukesada. Plenty of info on him on Google and the Nihonto Club.
  19. A friend asked me to take some photo's of my Daisho for him, so why not also share here.
  20. It's not a Fukure, it's a Kitae Ware and it's fatal.
  21. Kanemoto, Showato.
  22. Generally used as a pocket for coins.
  23. Gassan Sadakazu and Gassan Sadakatsu.
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