Congratualions Adrian.
As a volunteer and and member of the Sydney Token Kai, It must be said, what a wonderful event. Except for a shakey start (computer problems ), things went very well. The volunteers did a marvelous job. I would personally like to thank them all. The Shinsa team were quite surprised at the high pass rate and reflected this at the best of show talk at the end of proceedings. Gordon gave the talk, explaining why they had picked these particular blades. The audience were enthralled as Gordon, explained step by step, why these blades were chosen.
To our overseas Visitors, whether dealer or submitter, thank you for your attendence. You certainly gave this show an international flavour. To our interstate collectors and dealers, also my heartfelt thanks, as this event has finally made us a united band of Australian collectors insteast of just the local groups.
I would also like to thank Sensei Yoshikawa and the Shinsa team, who worked tirelessly. I can't stress enough, our deepest appreciation to the NTHK.
Hope we see many more friends from home and abroad at the next shinsa in two years. Going by our first attempt, I believe the next show will be even better.