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David Flynn

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Everything posted by David Flynn

  1. There is a good chance this is a traditional nihonto. Kanenori made both, gendaito and showato. Not always the case, but sometimes a two character signature means traditional.
  2. David Flynn

    new nihonto

    I haven't entered into this discussion till now. :D All swords(nihonto) are worth studying. Whether they are in polish or out. What may be learned from an out of polish sword is, how one may pick a diamond in the rough. Of course, studying polished swords, is definately the way to go for learning all the attributes we desire in a sword. I personally believe though, any sword held in the hand is a lesson.
  3. Going by the Sydney Shinsa, at least 6mths. In fact, we picked them up in Japan in Nov. the shinsa was in march!
  4. I have been lead to believe, that these swords are actually handmade. Some have Mokume hada, some Itame hada and some Nashiji hada. I have also been lead to believe, that the Numbers on the mune of the nakago are a reference number to the smith that made a particular sword. Alas, many theories abound.
  5. David Flynn

    new nihonto

    Hope to see you there Jock.
  6. Welcome, Anthony and Yuri.
  7. In Oz, we call this a Bodgie.
  8. I was also led to believe, that some Juyo papers issued in the 80s are also spurious.
  9. Hello and welcome Gunnar.
  10. May I suggest, instead of relying on second hand information, we all check with our respective Post offices.
  11. Welcome to all our new members and Kiora Corey.
  12. Thanks Adrian. Also, anyone interested in being a volunteer, please let Adrian or myself know.
  13. Check, So Masamitsu. I don't know if it's the same smith.
  14. Stephen, the one on ebay is Katana Mei. The one here is Tachimei. Also the one on ebay is signed Noshu Seki Kanekami, and the yasurimei doesn't look as good.
  15. I read the bottom two kanji as HIROSIGE. It also looks like there is some missing, in that the Nakago looks reshaped.
  16. For Oshigata, Jolhn Sloughs book is best.
  17. The last time was 6 mths ago. Adrian has high quality swords and fittings, however, these have the least interest. The swords that sell at arms fairs are, Gunto and NCO. It appears the discerning collector, doesn't bother to much with arms fairs, except to see if a sleeper turns up.
  18. The blade I saw, was actually similar to a Nagamitsu, Gunome/choji. However, the mei was very amateurishly done. An isntant look, by anyone who knows the Nagamitsu Mei, would pick it. Also it wasn't another Nagamitsu, as it was definately mean't to look like Ichihara Nagamitsu.
  19. Australia only has a small population. We don't have a dedicated sword show (although we had a shinsa and show last year). Nihonto, being a particular niche, isn't "out there," like some other artforms. Also, the distance between major centres is also a great handicap.
  20. Unfortunately yes. Adrian Schlemmer and myself Had a table at the Sydney show for quite a while. However, the amount of interest does not warrant us attending any longer.
  21. Chris, I have actually seen a fake, Nagamitsu(ichihara).
  22. I'm glad I didn't enter this discussion, oops
  23. Looks like it comes down to this. If a sword has sayagaki by someone of note and you like it and their asking a higher price than gerneraly asked for a sword of this particular smith, because of said sayagaki, go ahead. If a sword has sayagaki by someone of note and you think the price is too high for this particular smith, don't buy it. Personaly, I would be just as happy with a sword if it had sayagaki or not. However, if it came down to paying more money because of this saygaki, I would probably decline the purchase. Again, because a sword has a sayagaki by someone of note, this doesn't make it a better sword. As far as the NBTHK, except for Hozon papers, I couldn't care less. I usually have my swords papered by the NTHK. I, like others in Japan that Chris has mentioned, don't have enough respect for that particular orginisation.
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