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David Flynn

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Everything posted by David Flynn

  1. Please sign your name! Look in the section on Shows and come to the Sydney Shinsa/show in Sept.
  2. George, the Sadatsugu I saw, looked as though it was made c1940s and looked like the signature was done at the same time as made.
  3. Yes George, there was a Gimei Takahashi Sadatsugu submitted at the last Sydney Shinsa.
  4. 7 out of 7 so far, but then again they are all Gendai
  5. Thanks Paul, none of my swords have been pinked :D
  6. The NTHK (not the npo), also give pink slips for gimei. Usually though, it only mentions that the sword is worth preserving. This is the group who will be at the Sydney Shinsa. Sensei Yoshikawa will preside.
  7. deeper sori came back after Kanbun.
  8. I have seen some rather wonderful Emura blades. Lovely hada, nice hamon with hataraki. I have also seen some very mediocre Emura swords. So, it still comes down to the individual blade.
  9. G'day John, unfortunately, the Powerhouse don't look after their Japanese stuff very well. Adrian orginised a viewing many years ago, attended by myself and Alan Morton as well as some others who escape me. The viewing was held in a room where items were brought in. These items had been neglected and were not very impressive. Further communication has been sought by Adrian. The Powerhouse, now appears to have little enthusiasm with their Japanese collection and little or no time for any sort of display. Adrian had even approached them about the last shinsa/show and there was absolutely no interest.
  10. Looks like a badly struck sho stamp to me.
  11. Gunto Tsuka, came in various lengths. Some short, some long and some just right! :lol:
  12. Alan, you have raised some wonderful points regarding the meeting of other collectors at the Sydney Shinsa. Not only is this going to be the highlight of Nihonto collecting in Australia and New Zealand, but the whole southern hemisphere. So far, except for the last show in Sydney in 09, this is the only Show and Shinsa (that I'm aware of) that has been anywhere south of the equator. Also the point you made about social contacts within the collecting community is true. I alone was able to meet some wonderful people, that in other circumstances, would have been nigh impossible. The fact that this show, isn't just about papering, buying and selling Nihonto, is what will help make the occasion so enjoyable. The social interaction of bringing together so many people with the same likes, make us a fraternity. I am truly looking forward again, to meeting the people who made the last show such a success. Also, the opportunity, of making some new friends from Australia, as well as our international guests. I can't hide the fact, of how excited I am of attending this major event. Also, I hope that even more collectors and traders from overseas will attend and make this show an even greater success, than the last.
  13. G'day Mark, Blades are submitted bare, even the habaki is removed. There will be provision made for a place to strip the swords. There will also be someone there, possibly me :D to help with submitting blades. For those submitting Koshirae, you may use your sword as a Tsunagi, however, if you are submitting both, a wooden tsunagi should be used.
  14. I always thought it was a shotgun in the pick up! Mounted on the Easy rider rifle rack.
  15. Matus, may I first comment on the Katana. Although the sword is old and in fairly good condition, the hamon appears to be rather close to the edge. This sword is polished with a hadori, which makes the hamon look wider than it actually is. Both the wakizashi, look pretty good. As already commented on earlier though, wakizashi are harder to sell.
  16. Blades, Tosogu, and koshirae, may all be submitted.
  17. Adrian is now out of hospital and looking forward to getting the ball rolling. An announcement on booking slots will be posted soon. As they say in advertising, Watch This Space!
  18. I have spoken to Adrian, unfortunately he believes we will be too busy to accept consignments. However, now that this has been broached on this forum, maybe someone coming to the shinsa will offer this service. Also, we should start to take bookings in the next couple of weeks.
  19. Jason, Adrian Schlemmer who is orginising the Shinsa is in hospital at the moment with complications brought about by pneumonia. However, he is attempting to get a price in Yen for the submissions. At the last shinsa, the cost was $150 au for submission and a futher $150 for the pass. I have actually been thinking of how we may be able to offer the service of submitting pieces for others. I will broach the topic with Adrian when the chance arises. Also, at the last shinsa, most who didn't attend, sent their sword and fittings with friends.
  20. Aussie humour missed on an Aussie!
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