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Marino F

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  1. thank you, is there a way for me to search similar signatures to help compare/reduce which possible swordsmith - such as 宗重 - Muneshige or compare the blades they made I enjoy the hunt to the puzzle :-)
  2. with the limited books i have - I found a couple potential signatures based on the last portion being cut off... see attached in "the samurai sword a handbook" what are your thoughts on its and other potential - as the blade may have been cut just on the 4th horizontal line... are there any other books with smith signatures that I can continue my hunt to find potential signatures 高 摂州住藤原宗 - 高? Muneshige Settsu 1661 Munenaga Settsu 1375
  3. Thanks Kenkaku - does it also have the name of Guan Gong in the top right corner? is that the author of this piece
  4. Thanks again Steve - i will search for the year of the cow - fire and cow...from what i have found so far...could be 1277?
  5. Thanks for your input Steve,
  6. Thank you for any assistance
  7. Thank you for any assistance
  8. thank you for any assistance
  9. Good Day Everyone...I recently purchased a few scrolls from a friend, whos collector friend passed away sometime ago...and he's helping the widow pass along some of her late husbands collection. My Google translate studies hold back the laughter...seem to have found means...but I'm sure the scroll is meant to say it in a more poetic way...any assistance would be appreciated... 日 = day, sun  夕 = evening 四 十 = 40 years 年 五 十= 57th 七 回 涎 = saliva 辰 = dragon 口 = mouth 占 = fortune-telling 田 = Tanaka (family name) 中 光 = Mitsuo? (first name) – Light Student 生 春 = spring, new year 帆 = sail 書 = book, calligraphy 涎 辰 = saliva,dragon,mouth fortune-telling 口 占
  10. Thanks gentlemen!!
  11. Thanks Steve, does it say its from the province... of Mino or Yamato?
  12. Good Day All, the tang on this blade has been cut, and I'm having a buggar of a time trying to find the translation / meaning on this sword. Any suggestions/assistance would be greatly appreciated. Cheers M
  13. Thanks for the link Rayhan...interesting and educational....much appreciated...definitely helps with understanding what to look for... as they say - beauty is to the eye of the beholder - and the same can be said about value or dollar value - what is someone willing to pay, another wouldn't a buddy of mine over the weekend was stunned that $100 was spent to acquire this sword..."useless, cant even cut with it"...lol... to me the historical or romantic side says, this sword could be 200-400 years old...the stories it could tell... who made it, owned it, held it, what was it used for, how did it get her etc.... l look forward to collecting my next sword with a higher sword education and one in better shape :-)
  14. Yes first sword. I have always been a stickler for authentic in what ever I collect...always appreciated history - never interested in knockoffs...as my wife knows my quirks...and the sword is very much appreciated :-) Please keep this newbie informed on any swords that may have little value due to its condition but may have historical age as that is my weekness...history Cheers
  15. Having taken your suggestions, I started to read Samurai Sword - a handbook by John Yumoto and my amateur knowledge findings are the following....for those most knowledgeable your assessment is appreciated... Point shape is curved – Fukura-Tsuku Point size and Shape - Small curve ko-kissaki or maybe Medium chu-kissaki Ridgeline Flat? Vs Raised? undetermined Curvature is shallow Tang is uneven u shape ha-agari kuri-juri File marks - Greatly slanting left – o-suji-chigai – used by smiths of the Aoe Branch of Bitchu Province and Sa Branch of Chikuzen Province 2 pocket scabbard Missing collar – Habaki Missing spacer – Seppa Missing Pommel Metal Sleeve – Fuchi Missing Pommel at base - Kashira Missing hilt ornaments - Menuki 2 rivit holes on hilt – Menuki Blade shape - Shinogi-zukuri – most common type and majority of long swords – daito Plain or no Grain – Muji – are common in marugitae swords of New Sword period (1530-1868) and Modern Sword period 1886+
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