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george trotter

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About george trotter

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    Fremantle Western Australia
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    Japanese swords

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    george trotter

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  1. The name Kuroda means Blackfield....I remember a friend in 1980 who lived in Kyoto whose landlord was Mrs Kuroda...whenever her name was mentioned everyone looked down and you could tell that Mrs Kuroda was a 'tough' landlady...no nonsense. Those were the days...
  2. Duh...stupid me - misread the date. Sorry, I was off track.
  3. Hi Bruce, I have a gendaito in Rinji Seishiki mounts (two buttons). It is by a (later RJT) smith named Tsukamoto Masakazu of Fukushima. It is dated April 1942 and has a number 1129 stamped on the tang tip like this one. I think they are made under similar circumstances in that: both have no star (both made before late 1942 when the RJT blades start to appear) Both have a tang number (probably / certainly a mounting / polishing shop number) Judging from my example, I think this blade shown is probably a gendaito as well, made by a smith who later became RJT. Hope this helps...
  4. Just saw this...sorry to Brian...I know how he feels. About filling the needs of NMB, I agree, the proposed moderators and the dividing up of the sections and tasks seems the best solution. I my case, thank you for the confidence shown to me . I am here to help contribute to gendaito/gunto matters if needed but must say that I am afraid I am about past my 'use-by' date as a moderator . I am definitely no longer on top of any technological needs for being useful on this board, I think I am really just here for giving advice and assisting as I always have as a contributing member. Thanks guys, but I can't moderate.......I'm sure you will fill the gaps as necessary as there is plenty of talent among you all.
  5. Thanks Dee and Sam. I can usually read the rank and the name, but this one was 'different'...so thanks. Appreciated. Regards...
  6. Hi all, sorry to be a pain, but can someone read this for me...I can't be sure ... Thanks...
  7. I agree with Dee Simon...I have seen a couple of returns in the past and, being familiar with Japanese culture, I can tell you from the body language that no-one among the Japanese in the room wanted to be there or wanted a gaijin there 'celebrating' Japanese WWII history. Believe me. Geo.
  8. You can always count on us 'originals' Stephen...we have got your back.
  9. Hi Robert, It looks like the smith name is SADAHARU. I can't find anything except there were two smiths of this name working in Bingo province in the 15-16 century, but yours seems more likely modern WWII period. Maybe some blade photos would help...any date on the other side of tang? Regards... Oh, Ray beat me to it.
  10. Just to help out on the question of the light tan coloured steel scabbard Rinji Seishiki Gunto being found with star stamped blades....here is a photo of one I have. The bottom sword has two chuso buttons and holds the star stamped 62 cm blade by Seki Kanehide dated May 1944. I have seen a few of these mounts with star stamped blades over the years...not common, but there are a number around. Those that I have seen are all two chuso button types. Hope this helps. Regards...
  11. Great stuff Matt, and Bruce. BTW Bruce the Kunihide with 98 on the tang edge is my sword...not a survey...the other two I did come across and record from ebay or somewhere. Always interesting...gotta love the WWII RJT gendaito.
  12. Hey Bruce, Just noticed that Sohei Swords have a Takashima Kunihide signed star stamped sword made Showa 19/12 listed on ebay...they don't show the back edge of the tang but it should have a number (maybe 95, 96?)...anyway, maybe you can email him and and get another tang number with date for Kunihide of Kyoto. He has it listed as 'Gendaito WWII Japanese Samurai Sword Shin Gunto...' Just thought you would like to adsd to your files. George.
  13. Hi Bruce, I added an edit to my last post which confirms Kokura details etc...
  14. Oh, my bad, I quoted Hawley using the wrong MASA kanji... The correct MASATSUGU in Hawley 1981 is: MASATSUGU Buzen/Bungo 1912-42 signed KI MASATSUGU MAS 1645 This is followed by (him again?) as Buzen Kokura ju MASATSUGU, Fukuoka, 1946 signed KI MASATSUGU MAS 1467 Sorry for the 'mis-strike. Edit to add: Just saw your latest comment Bruce...the quote you give there for Kokura is the same details as this second 'corrected' Hawley smith MAS 1465 and 1467. Regards...
  15. Hi Bruce, I think it is as stated, KI MASATSUGU...there is a listing under this name for this smith working in Buzen dated 1912 in Hawley 1981 MAS 1115 and it is followed by the next smith of this name also working in Buzen (son?) dated 1926 MAS 1116.
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