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Everything posted by robinalexander

  1. Oh well ...tks for looking...seems like this particular 'tassel' remains a mystery. Rob
  2. Hello all, Just wondering if anyone can shed some light this tassel. Came as part of a job lot but despite my best efforts and references, I have not been able to work out if its real or fake or what type of sword it may attach to. It came from a legitimate (passed) gunto collector and no reason to believe it is fake or even that it may have come from a country other than Japan. Seems to have previously been attached to a sarute judging by the discoloration, stiffness and shape at the end of the tassel. Any information or ideas would be welcome. Thanks Rob
  3. Thanks Bruce, Thanks for the insight..glad its not mine. Was the first one I came across on Google pics. And wouldnt Steve to race off and spend hard earned $ on the incorrect knot. Quicker and easier than taking a pic of my two. All good. Rob
  4. Hi Steve, Nice example. In regard to the leather NCO sword knot, to the best of my knowledge (and I am newish) the sword knot you included is meant for the later iron tsuba sword as per your picture. I believe the knot to match your brass tsuba is the earlier NCO knot that includes a small brass buckle and actually threads through the tsuba. Pic attached. From my experience they are harder to find and more 'expensive' than the later version you have shown. If I'm wrong, ( but I really dont think so) I am sure we will both read about it very soon. Regards Rob
  5. Do I see brush marks? If so, was that normal practice rather than spraying? Maybe not? Also, is the (variation) reddish brown colour normal .... rather than the 'olive drab' which I realise comes in different shades but its still olive drab colour. Rob
  6. For the interest of members, an article from 'Morning Bulletin' Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia 15th Feb 1946 titled "Jap Sword Makers Unhappy" https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/56434572?searchTerm=Jap Swords Regards Rob
  7. I must be blind...civilian tsuba with hole for leather retaining clip? Rob
  8. Hi John, Just saw this myself, very different all right. The paint markings look in very newish compared to most I have seen. And the hot stamp....again very diffefent and very clear/clean. Tsuba could be late war configuration ? as I cant make out the normal rising sun karge seppa. Do you believe it is all genuine? Rob
  9. Job done. I have decided that the 'prototype' will become the permanent inserts for my (sad but loved) 95. They fit well and are functional although the final fit was way (WAY!!!) more in-depth and time consuming than the lead up work. Im happy with the result. In the end this turned out to be a custom made job (sand, measure, fit...sand, measure fit...etc etc etc)..... I really think that a complete saya (as per Jean C's video) would be easier and maybe more fun....easier anyway. What I have leaned..... The final stage can take a long long time to finalise My expression "how hard can it be" is now a known thing Correct/good tools can make or break a job But onwards and upwards...still loving it and have a job copying an 'actual' insert so we will see how that goes. Decided on Australian Red Cedar (different from Western Red Cedar). Regards Rob
  10. Meant *Bruce* not Brian sorry. Rob
  11. Dave thanks for the tip in the Honoki and links to supplier and other suitable timbers. All noted. I am lucky to have an old work collegue in my town that has an exotic timber business so will make a visit. Balsa is great to 'cut your teeth on' but something slighty heavier would be more suitable. Hi Steve, I have to be honest and say that I am not looking for business. I will finish the prototype today and its been so enjoyable but also so time consuming. For me, this came out of necessity as I had none in my 95 saya, and, I just loved the challenge. Having said that and while Im still enthused, I would like to have a crack at making a matching insert for Brian's missing piece if he wished (Hi Brian, you have been very helpful..another great member). Again, it would be a challenge to copy a real one, gratis of course, bearing in mind that my motto with these things is 'all care taken but no responsability accepted' As mentioned, I hope to post my finished inserts today if all goes well. Ive learned a lot as this is essentially custom made and its getting quite thin in certain areas but will still be quite functional for a non-operational 95. Maybe not nihonto though! Regards Rob
  12. Happy to do that for you Bruce. Blade is seated very nicely Mune to Ha. Forging ahead with the finer aspects of the exercise. Rob
  13. Hello Bruce and all, On the final sanding fitting stages of the balsa 'prototype'. Im happy with this so far although something a litle more robust than balsa would be a plus. Might have a look at Paulownia as an upgrade as it has better (anti) insect & water properties and is an asiatic timber. But I suppose the new inserts will only be protecting the blade and will not be subject to the rigours of operational use so with minimal oiling the soft timber may do the job. In regard to your inserts with 'paper' glued over the outside, I wonder if cracks or holes appeared in the insert during the final sanding/fitting (can get very thin) and the paper was to repair or strengthen the insert? Fingers crossed for my final stage. Regards Rob
  14. Hi Dave, just dont have any to take out but would certainly have been easier if had. Tks Hi Bruce, what can I say. That was really great of you to do that. I now know what they look like and thats a bonus. I can pretty well understand your measurement points but if I need clarification on your pics I hope I can PM you. This dosn't look totally un-do-able (he says confidently ) and I'm looking forward to a start ... hopefully tomoz. Regards Rob Will post results, when I finish
  15. Hi to anyone who may still be following this topic.( if not I will post it somewhere else) Looking for some dimensions for Type 95 wooden saya inserts. I have acquired relic-ish Type 95 (iron Tsuba) which is in need of inserts for the saya. The sound when you draw/replace the sword is worse than chalk on a board (even when your careful). The blade is quite sad but genuine, bit like an well aged wine that has been stored incorrectly. I take note of the videos above (thanks Jean C. for posting them all those years ago). I will be attempting my own inserts but it would be great to have some dimensions width, thickness at possibly 4 specific points from the bottom of the brass insert on the scabbard throat down the saya. If someone has some inserts that can easily be removed without damaging screws or the inserts themselves, then I would really appreciate some caliper dimensions as mentioned. I would be happy to report back with a few photos of the finished job (hopefully) for the interest of members. I intend to complete a balsa model first as its easier to work on and if it comes up ok i will change to something a little firmer but still easy to work. Regards Rob
  16. Dear Shinken28, Getting back to your original post. If you have a concern or suggested improvement and you would like people to consider your views, it would be appropriate (and necessary) to clearly state... 1. what your specific concern is, 2. why you feel that way 3. Provide clear examples 4. What specific outcome you are hoping to achieve People will then be in a better position to understand where you are coming from (as a newbie I have no idea what your talking about). All you seem to have done with your original post is 'sow a seed' and, understandably it has not been well received. Please, if you believe your concerns are genuine and well founded, then put a little effort into explaining as per points above, or alternatively, just give it a miss. Regards Rob
  17. Bruce/Steve, One final word on the line of thinking of consecutive numbered pieces of equipment. In addition to IJA 'operational field swaps', allied soldiers also 'gathered' swords, many of which would have become separated from their sayas in the heat of battle. So it may also be just a case of, following hostilities, 'matching' a sword with a saya without any regard (or possibly knowledge) for individual numbering. Rob
  18. HI Bruce & Steve, Don't have the background arsenal knowledge of either of you but purely from a logic point of view (and to a small degree personal experience) I agree with Steve's comment about swapping equipment in the field. To my mind that scenario is more than a remote possibly but quite likely particularly as the NCO seems to be a 'one size fits' all. Mid and later in the war, the IJA supply lines had enough trouble with ammunition, food and medicines without worrying about things that could easily be rectified in the field (resourcefully). Is it simply a matter of IJA soldiers being issued consecutive numbered factory/arsenal equipment on commencing/leaving basic training? Largely, the men from those units would remain together during their various postings and logically, would make whatever 'field swaps' they needed to in order to remain operational. Seems straightforward to me. Regards Rob
  19. Austus, In my view you have provided a good well reasoned summary. Tks Rob
  20. I think Neil hit the nail on the head with ".....The motivation for kicking off this thread, was not to be argumentative, but to once and for all settle, at least in my mind, the definition of nihonto, which seems means different things to different people. " Particularly...which seems means different things to different people. " We all have varying levels of knowledge, expertise, appreciation and above all, there are many differing opinions. As David mentioned, it would certainly help if some clarification from recognised sword societies in Japan could be provided with as much detail as possible. Just thought, if that did actually happen, I wonder if the 'revelation' would have any affect the current prices + or - of any particular sword type??? But the upside for me and I imagine a whole lot of newbiis is that everyone provides so much interesting/new information and the discussion is a learning experience in itself. Thanks Neil. Rob
  21. Amazing, thanks Tom C and Uwe for your very quick response. I will research the smith and see what I can find. Hopefully someone may know something about the meaning of those stamps on the Tsuba. Rob
  22. Hello all, Was wondering if anyone would be good enough to offer some translation assistance with this tang from a Shingunto. It appears to be out of polish but has a cloudy hamon and could be traditionally made even with the seki arsenal stamp (?). Also, I have attached a picture in the link below, of the Tsuba which also bears four stamps and I havent seen these before on shingunto tsuba (???) Any help or comment in due course would be appreciated. https://photos.app.goo.gl/BCFwUDnxXd88mKZR8 Regards Rob
  23. Hi Neil, It appears at least one large UK dealer shares the same general view as Fuller. A current Kai-Gunto for sale advert states " You can tell this is a genuine WW2 Japanese Naval Landing Forces Officers Kai-Gunto because it only has a single ashi (suspension loop) plus has a leather combat cover." Of course its unknown whether in this case, Fuller's view has simply been adopted or the dealers opinion is based on his own knowledge/experience. FYI. Rob McL
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