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Everything posted by robinalexander

  1. ahh Kunihiro...thats tricky. Went right through Slough's and Nihonto Compendium Stoke Count Kanji (Sesko) without success. Nice one Steve.
  2. John when I was serving my apprenticeship making Type 95 saya liners I used a tool as per the picture. Works a treat. Good news is they are cheap to make. Bad news is they only work on saya liners that have a lttle wriggle room.
  3. Thanks Piers...I knew that's what it meant in a normal sense but thought it may have had a different sword jargon meaning. So it basically a written instruction to someone involved in the piecing together the various components of a gunto to get a move on because its Major Oda's sword. Therefore a special order. That's priceless.
  4. Great find Matthew. Excuse my ignorance (anybody)but what does ASAP mean in this context?
  5. Michael in the last lot of pics, the tsuka (handle) looks exceptionally long but maybe its matched to the blade which then must be quite long in itself... If you have a chance could you measure the tsuka (guard to top) and also the length of the blade ? Quickest/easiest way to measure blade (but not correct way) is from the bottom of the handguard to the tip. Rob
  6. No worries Chris, anytime. In regard to your question as to whether it would be a " curiosity/antique rather than a weapon", to my mind, it could be classed as either so it comes down to what legislation you gleaned that phrase from and any other related legislation. That would all need to be fully explored. A more simple way forward may be to have a chat with persons from the Collectors Guild...I imagine they would be able to answer your questions and hopefully happy to help. We don't have any of these issues in NSW and I have bought swords from dealers and auction in Victoria with no problems but I have noted an auction house requires proof of a licence if you are a Vic resident. NSW is nice and warm....just move up here! Rob
  7. Chris would that make it a swordfish? But seriously, this is my view. 1. by definition, it is not a sword (it used to be, but no longer is) 2. the [public safety] intention of the legislation appears to be pretty clear in that it seeks to restrict the import of "‘A thrusting, striking or cutting weapon with a long blade (blunt or otherwise), having one or two edges and a hilt or handle.’ ....the first qualifying wording being "with a long blade".....and this does not. 3. 'with a long blade'....."having two edges' ....'and a hilt or handle'. These conditions are not mutually exclusive. That is, a sword would need to have all of these things in order for it to be considered 'a sword'. Again, yours clearly does not qualify as a sword. As to whether it would be restricted from import and/or ownership as a 'dangerous weapon' is anyone's guess and that would require a more detailed look at Victorian legislation. I imagine ownership/transport would be a matter for the Victorian Police (State) and import is a matter for Australian Customs (Federal) and you may never come out the other side of enquiries there. Based on the above, I know many people (me included) would simply buy it. However, if you are that worried about it, I would be happy to receive it for you in NSW and post it on to you needless to say that that may be technically illegal but I'm quite comfortable with it. If you wish to do that, just PM me. Rob
  8. yep this one ....".Are you asking how to post a @robinalexander notice?"
  9. Yes 'interesting' all right Bruce, no real right or wrong...I know you would do a sterling job at producing an article or more likely a thread that would be added to and updated as time goes on. I suppose the difference between the Omura site and what has been floated here is that an NMB thread would be a lot more detailed and contemporary. To be or not to be.....that is the question PS how do you 'grab' a members link as per above and put it in a new message?
  10. Clayton, Looks good to me. Early second version of the Type 95 (with copper fuchi). Stamps appear to be, in order, Suya Shoten Co Ltd, Tokyo 1st Inspection mark and Tokyo 1st Army Arsenal. A lot of wear to the tsuka (handle) with no paint remaining.....sword and saya numbers don't match but neither of these things are the end of the world Rob If I am wrong with this I am moving on to collecting marbles!
  11. Hi Bruce/Brian....I totally agree with Barry. I don't favour a 'fake thread' as I wouldn't like to see NMB become an R & D site for the manufactures of fakes. I recall this has been resisted in the past by some members. So what benefit could that bring? Yes it would be handy to be able to flick newbies a link to save them from themselves (and many of us have been there ) and that would be a nice to have …..but.... I just feel it would be at odds with the whole NMB concept. I am not saying were should stop offering advice on possible fakes as I think its always been handled appropriately (softly softly) but I just wouldn't like to see a dedicated thread that will no doubt keep up to date with the latest fraudulent designs/techniques and publish where they went wrong. Essentially, telling them how they could improve their next batch of fakes. Yes, it would certainly be an interesting and readable thread but these days, with the net being what it is, I just think it would be counter productive to the whole idea of collecting, preserving and enjoying authentic Japanese swords and related items. Rob
  12. Hi Darius, saw you post yesterday and it was still in my inbox today and I note there are no replies. I will take a wild guess and say the reason for that is that this is primarily a Nihonto sword forum as distinct from bayonets. While I'm sure some NMB members would have touched on bayonets over the years, there would be more appropriate forums, specific to bayonets, with members who have the interest and expertise to answer your questions. I'm not speaking on behalf of the NMB, its just my view and if I am wrong...I will hear about it soon enough All the best Rob
  13. Tony, I have a blade in 94 mounts that looks the same (covers the whole blade). It is what it is but that sometimes comes with 80 + years of age. Some may call it patina but whatever you want to call it, I agree with Bruce and Ray. Some 'soft' cleaning products will put a glow on the metal surface (i.e. Nevr-dull) but I am not aware of any that will lighten let alone remove that black staining so either enjoy as is or go down the professional polish path.
  14. Love to hear that story Baz but in the mean time what is SHINGUNTO TANRENSHO? Rob
  15. Wow John, something new every day. That is very interesting.
  16. Nice Paul, funny how swords such as this turn up from time to time....thanks for sharing. Rob
  17. yes Stephen, I saw some with the Keyser Soze you were referring to but I just liked this one better
  18. Good photos Tony...I am sure I'm not the only one enjoying this. Tks for the time taken so far!
  19. Then I wonder if Aiden has found a similar problem?
  20. ohh did I mention I have been wrong before
  21. Could be right Chris...in any event, while I do collect a few orphans, personally I would pass on this one. Rob
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