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Everything posted by robinalexander

  1. Grev 1200 GBP would be well above my budget for mid 95. Unusual tsuba dont think its regulation. With retention strap hole as well? Could we get some pics of the saya and throat ? (from what I can see also looks a little alien to the sword) Tks Rob
  2. Tks for the follow up Steve...I will keep an eye on the post.
  3. Hi Tyler welcome. @Shamsy Sham there are a couple of things that I find interesting about this sword and you might be able to enlighten me. Pic 1. The centre stamp is quite strongly and clearly punched and I thought it would be a Nagoya Inspection mark, however it looks more like 'G' . I know there is a very general similarity between G shape and Na stamp but this just looks quite different. Also appears to be a flat head brass screw holding the throat. Nothing too weird about that as could be a war time replacement but again, I'm just used to seeing round head brass screws in that role. Pic 2. @Fallout420 Tyler would it be possible to get a clearer pictures of the saya throat number and the kissaki (tip of blade)? In this particular picture, if you look at the 'scew' holding the saya throat, it actually looks more like a small nut (???) ...cant work out why it looks like that because its on the same side as the pics that show a flat head screw. Pic. 3 The Bo-Hi certainly gets off to a wonky start but my main question is....where is the inspection stamp? Just observations, but would appreciate any clarification. Rob
  4. Hi Steve .. I apologise in advance if you already know this but 'suriage' means the tang has been shortened at some point, and as a consequence, the full mei is often lost. Rob
  5. Then in this case, no date unfortunately David. Rob
  6. to answer a question with a question....is there anything on the other side of the tang? Rob
  7. You know Jack....I have never been a fan of repainting saya's....a bad/rough original is WAY better than any repaint job. That said........in this case I would definately make an exception. The stripping of this saya would surely have to be post war and if that is the case then nothing about the finish (only the finish) is genuine. In repainting, the biggest challenge is getting the correct colour/shade and the second biggest challenge is producing a finish that doesn't look like it was painted yesterday (and no paint brushes). Some experimentation I imagine....slowly, patiently and know when to stop. If you were to go down that path, the current rust could work to your advantage. Although it would still need to be neutralized at some stage of the process but necessarily at the start of the project. Would be an interesting and probably enjoyable project. Just thinking out-loud. Rob
  8. Thanks Bruce @Bruce Pennington I refer to your great 'Stamps' download, all the time....keep building it please!
  9. Thanks Thomas @KiipuI will have to read the posting info and work out how to copy Thread Links
  10. Hi Jack, My opinion only. Sword looks ok. Type 95 (1938/41) Non Commissioned Officers (NCO) sword (issued). Maybe 11mm thicker tsuba which could fit with the early 15xxx number on the blade. Stamps are high in the fuchi (a little unusual) but look ok. 1st is ...Ijima Token Seisakusho (factory/maker) 2nd ....Tokyo 1st Arsenal Inspection mark 3rd ...Kokura Army Arsenal H Yes, it is clean (blade/tsuba/habaki)....I think someone has done that although the paint loss on the Tsuka (handle) is more consistant with its age. Now the saya (scabbard) is unusual...wonder if its been cleaned back to the metal or even chromed/repainted at some post war stage. Otherwise the saya loks ok to me too. Numbers are a little unusual BUT I have seen worse that have found to be genuine. So all up, looks genuine to me Dont worry, we will son find out if I am wrong 😊 Rob
  11. Just found this old thread on Showato Wakizashi and thought I would add it here for future reference (not wishing to revive this thread) My First Gunto Blade Signed By DanielGJ, May 10, 2018 in Military Swords of Japan
  12. Tks for staying with the 'gourd' mystery Bruce @Bruce Pennington
  13. Ahhh....the evolution of the 'aged' saya. A bad 'copper' Type 95 copy currently on Ebay...what I find interesting is the extra work that has gone into the chipped/rusting saya. Havent seen this development before. F Y Interest Rob
  14. This picture is being used as an example in the sale of a Company grade tassel on Ebay. I find two things unusual ... 1. The way the tassel is tied to this sword, and 2. What do you think that is, tied around the top of the tsuka? Rob
  15. Still having troublevwith yr link, so I copied amcouple of pics. Looks like a Wakazashi of civilian origin that was pressed into WW2 service possibly later in the war. The saya (scabard) is very interesting and I love the blade which I believe could be quite old. Others will add much more to this (and it may be more accurate 😊). You will need to remove the handle (tsuka) by firstly gently tapping out the mekugi peg (2nd pic). By the look of it, it could be tapped out from the opposite side than shown in the second pic. Use something smaller in diameter than the peg itself. Gently remove tsuka and have a look at the tang for any kanji/inscription. If there is something there. Post good pics in the 'Translation' thread on NMB. Just ask if u need help. Good luck. Rob
  16. Hi Randy, Havent got to the sword yet but the bayonet is Japanese Type 30 (late war), made for the Arisaka Type 30 rifle and some later rifle models. I believe these were made by Toyada Jidou Shokki (u can look that up). Square pommel, unfullered blade square grips on handle held by two rivetts....Not sure which model as the first stamp (Toyada) is hard to see. Three arsenal stamps shiwn below, yours could be anyone of them. These were essentially the simplfied version of the earlier hooked quillion types...shortage of materials. Some of this model came in wooden scabbard.
  17. No other swords John....one sole blade. From memory this was a whole house contents/estate auction from Sydney's north shore. (Mostly quite upper class, for overseas readers) Rob
  18. From what I can see, that is a very nice 95 package Trystan
  19. Sold at Pottle Auctions Sydney Aust. last week. I didnt follow auction as the condition report described it as a very average condition 95 (but with canvas cover ✔). Bidding was well over 2k aud. a couple of days before the auction. I tuned in late that night, post auction, to see sale price of Aud. 10k. but there just be something amiss there me thinks. In any case, it has a canvas cover.
  20. Hi Seth, On face value, looks like a Type 98. What I find unusual is the colour of the Ito and even more so, there doesn't appear to be any sarute hole in the Tsuka (?). That's a worry in terms of 'original authenticity'. Rob
  21. Just listed for sale by Dan Griffin (Griffin Militaria)....recorded as .......... Additionally, there is an open channel in the lower scabbard, approximately 11 inches from the base, where a bullet strike opened the scabbard. The sword blade apparently escaped damage from the bullet’s impact.
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