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Everything posted by robinalexander

  1. Hoping to purchase. My search has narrowed to the smaller brass seppa that is normally found on the first few Pattern Type 95's with brass tsuba (including copper). Made of brass with scalloping around rim. Pictures of specific size and examples are attached. There were a few variations in scalloping and the type of seppa design is probably not that rare but possibly the size is (?). Would appreciate a PM if you have anything. Rob
  2. HI Dylan, A link in regard to sword handling and care (courtesy NMB member Grey Doffin) https://nbthk-ab2.org/sword-characteristics/ In regard to obtaining a saya (scabbard) its always tricky to find one that fits without wasting a small fortune. Yours has a chuso clip so ideally you would be looking for a saya that has a corresponding receiver in the koiguchi (thats the metal ring thingy that is attached to the top of the saya). Your idea of trying local dealers first is good as you just cant beat trying before you buy. Otherwise its a matter of keeping an eye on the Net / Ebay or contacting dealers and there are a few mentioned right here on NMB home page. It will need to be a military saya not civilian therefore it will always have one ashi (hanger) be made of steel or have leather combat cover over steel/wood. In your quest for a saya, it will help all-round if you have a basic knowledge of sword/blade terminology (e.g.. sori, nagasa) and again, there are some great resources right here on the NMB home page. You don't have to know them all, just enough to be able to recognize and then relate or research as required. Rob
  3. I also think the sword/koshirae is legit but as above....low quality. Looks like a Wakizashi. Do the rest of the pics etc really relate to the same soldier??? I would be asking the seller for more info as to where/who it came from. I wish I read Japanese because I would love to know what every word said so I could add it all up in the context of the sale. As an aside...I do not like what appears to be gratuitous Ebay advertising using the newspaper display of Aust. Sgt Len Siffleet's execution. Whilst it may be an original paper (or not?), it clearly does not fit in the box, would not have been taken from ' the dead officer' and the seller makes no mention of it in his Ebay spiel. May be more to the story or the seller also sells used cars. At the end of the day, as Bruce says...if the package appeals to you, then do it. Nothing wrong with that but don't pay too much. I have a real soft spot for the historical side and to me provenance is a big consideration in collecting and enjoyment. Rob
  4. Ahh ok, my misunderstanding Chris. Yes you are right, it doesn't look brass close up. I'm just more used to seeing the clean rounded edge lackened seppa on top with that tsuba. But as you point out earlier, there are many variations. Tks Rob
  5. Colin...the 'brass' is called a habaki. Chris, looks more like a brass seppa than sheet metal....?
  6. This is interesting Chris @vajo I also have an 'ichi' (Kobe Shoten Co) number # 47895 but mine has a brass tsuba and brass top and bottom seppa, same as the first 95 Patterns. However, Colin's has a blackened iron tsuba and matching blackened bottom seppa, but the top seppa is brass. Shouldn't the top seppa be blackend iron to match the bottom larger seppa (and tsuba)? Rob
  7. LOL yes Thomas you are sort of right. The sword(s) pictured in that thread are random selections I grabbed of the net just to show the actual seppa. Wish any one was mine. But the reason for the thread itself was looking for top/bottom (now only top) seppa, certainly relates to my sword. My brass tsuba is 10.7/8 mm so that looks ok. Rob
  8. Hi Kay welcome, I'm with Stegel in that it looks authentic and a fine example. I would be very happy to own it. These Type 95 were issued to NCO's in the IJA (Non Commissioned Officers in the Imperial Japanese Army) "the blades overall very even appearance and the fact that the tsuba looks brass colored - I think it's actually aluminum and the lighting is making it look like brass but I'd have to see it in person to know. " Many blades on 95's are very clean either because they have been looked after or they have been cleaned up. But either way, as they are not 'traditionally made' there is nothing to worry about there...looks good. The tsuba should in fact should be made of brass (not aluminum) and from the pictures it looks fine. Nice to see you did some relevant research before posting here....it's not necessary of course, but it is very refreshing Rob PS When you get it don't be tempted to pull it apart (remove tsuka etc) as there is nothing to see on the tang/nakago, and there is a possibility it might not go back together as tightly as it is now. Type 94, 97 & 98 officers swords are a different proposition and they are made to come apart easily.
  9. Stegel, I think Thomas is onto something. Yours looks like 95 and as Thomas said, mine looks like 15. Rob Thomas @Kiipu where do you get that kanji (e.g. the number 十五? ) that you can just add into your messages?
  10. Hi Thomas, blade number 4042. No other marking on tang or mune. 十五 so you think it could be 15 ? I have no idea at all but I will throw this is just in case it means something to someone .... 10 + No/Yuki ? Rob
  11. Put on this thread for interest @Stegel @Shamsy @Kiipu Couple of marks, possibly assembly marks on the nakago of Pattern 1 Copper 95.
  12. Wow Bruce...bet that was a surprise. Two large seppa ..... do you think they are a pair? That is, one slightly smaller than the other so the rims compliment each other? Rob
  13. Lucky to find the bottom brass seppa with Mark (thanks), however my quest will continue for a matching top seppa for the Pat. 1 copper 95. I will post pics of the size here FYI but when I receive the 'bottom seppa', I will open another Wanted thread..again with specs but also with pics to try and match the profile. Tks
  14. Nice one Thomas .... cleared up a few things in that lot. Picture as per Thomas' comment above, for posterity
  15. Ahhhhh..tks Ernie (and again, Thomas) ... yes, full bottle now.
  16. Yep thanks Thomas, got all that and totally agree. Large seppa under tsuba and small seppa on top of tsuba (touching fuchi) However, I am still a little confused, or missing something about those pictures (above) which appear to show a copper 95 with a large seppa/with hole on the top and and another identical on the other side of the tsuba...i.e. there is no small seppa on that particular sword. As it was advertised for sale using those pictures, they would have been taken at the same time without any disassembly. Just saying that that is weird.
  17. Thanks Thomas @Kiipuso just to be clear in my mind (forgetting the above pics for a moment) you are saying that the correct standard for a 95 regardless of the Pattern, is a small seppa above and a larger seppa with hole below?
  18. Working with Mark on this and I can say that he has always been extremely helpful in providing 'just the right bit'.
  19. I've been looking at seppa for the Pat. 1 copper Type 95 and saw this one (sold) from Antique Swords in UK. https://www.antique-swords.com/v04-ww2-Japanese-type-95-copper-hilted-army-ncos-sword.html Its interesting that it has exactly the same larger seppa on top and bottom ...being a holed version to accommodate retention clip/chuso. All others I have seen, in my limited experience, have had a smaller matching seppa on top and larger 'holed' seppa on bottom. Has anyone seen or own one similar to this? Rob
  20. Greetings I am in need of both the top and bottom seppa for Pattern 1 Copper Type 95 Yes, I know they are scarce as hens teeth but I have to try regardless of how long it takes. I think the seppas from the second pattern with the slightly thinner brass tsuba would also suffice...or a wrecked one. I have contacted a few dealers, collectors and set up a few searches but also posting here to finish off. If you have any, or know where I can find two, could you PM me please. A couple of pics attached of what I'm looking for. Thanks Rob
  21. What looks to be an embossed mon (?) on one side of the kabutogane of a Type 94 currently going to auction on Invaluable (USA).
  22. Well it's lucky that David (Virginia) only wishes to make a knife and therefore preserve, in a practical sense, what little is left of Kanetatsu's work. I don't think David OP mentioned anything about Nihonto. Nice one David. Rob
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