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Everything posted by robinalexander

  1. Hi Ed welcome. I can't comment on the 'territory made sword' apart from noticing the dyed 'same' ray skin on the tsuka. Interesting. The Type 95 has three stamps on the fuchi (see righted pic below).. first is the Kobe Shoten Co., then Tokyo 1st Arsenal inspection stamp and lastly, the Kokura Arsenal stamp. Interestingly, the first stamp has a single stroke (ichi) through it and its one you don't see that often from the Kobe Shoten Co. Your blade number 48556 is in the correct range for that Company. Can you post a clear picture of the number on top of the scabbard (saya) throat. Hopefully it matches your blade number. Mal, @mecox re the wrapping of sayas...my gut feeling is that they are both wartime and postwar and each needs to be speculated on individually, but if there was an argument for a wartime copper wrap, then I think Ed's would be a great candidate. Picture of my Pattern 1 copper saya below which clearly had some form of wider wrapping on it for many years. Ed, my opinion...leave it wrapped. I would never try to remove it if it were mine. Also, don't try to take handle (tsuka) off the 95...nothing to see ... only damage possible. As far as removing the handle (tsuka) from the 'territory' sword..be careful if the wood is weak...remove mekugi (peg) first ....just google removing tsuka on NMB search or YouTube...or ask. Rob
  2. )Maybe we should have a dedicated thread for 'Island Swords' ...that would make collection and comparison easier plus, any documentary proof could be recorded. But on this sword though, I just don't believe its anything close to WW2. If I was going to dress up a fake to look WW2 then this is the way I would do it. What has caused that (all over) 'wear' on them ito and yet the fittings are 'good' ? .....the tassell...really ? ....and so many problems with the nakago.. more than a few things gone astray here. Personally, I like historical prices that have 'been there, done that' .... particularly with some form of provenance but even I wouldn't waste my time on this.
  3. Jay, a couple of more links for you but NMB Military Swords section is full of threads on Type 95's of all patterns .....great holiday reading Non-commissioned officers Gunto - Ohmura site https://www.warrelics.eu/forum/Japanese-militaria/ija-type-95-nco-sword-info-228172/ Rob
  4. Jay, Tokyo First Arsenal inspection stamp on the blade. More often than not, the iron fuchi's did not have maker's, inspection and arsenal stamps. From your pics I can't see any under the black paint but that is Ok. 300 is bargain basement price for a matching Type 95 of any pattern and this one appears to be in quite reasonable/average condition. Just do it! Rob
  5. Ahhh thanks Jean Collin...of course Koichi san and you, are correct......I've been so many other places...just frustrating sometimes. Thanks again. Rob
  6. Hello Koichi san, @Nobody Re Kunitsugu, I'm making absolutely no headway trying to find any similar kanji for 'kuni' (so different) let alone tsugu (as shown). Is it possible it's Kunitsuna as per picture below ? Rob
  7. Hi Chris, I believe the Ito can come in either flat (Tachi Tsukagashira Kake maki) or rolled (Tsumami maki). Have a look at this great download courtesy of NMB member Edwolf from 2017. http://www.tsukamaki.net/PDF/ArtTsukamaki.pdf. I have a few and most are 'rolled'. One 1942 Yoshishige with upgraded koshirae (nice) is flat and well used. Interestingly, a later collection addition from Masashige has a bit of both same as your bottom pic (above). Rob
  8. I've seen so many, I'm starting to wonder if it's been done by the owners and might have some meaning or significance. But it's a big unknown for now. I agree @Bruce Pennington ....one of the links to yellow/red tassels below for info.
  9. Looking forward to seeing it when you sort it out Jesse.
  10. For posterity.....adding a previous link for interest and information .... https://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/35804-uchiko-according-to-kojima-hiroshi/
  11. Noah may not be a franken sword. The problem here is that the seller is not able/willing to provide any additional pics, or any clear ones for that matter so as Bruce indicated, it's 'buyer beware'. The no returns policy doesn't worry me IF the seller has been upfront and provided all the info and pics you reasonably request. So far they have not. Personally, there is way too much paint gone from the tsuka for me and IMO problably for a first Type 95 for you. Get a better one first up. Just my opinion. No urgency here, the auction has 5 days to run so no telling how high it will go. As far as I am aware "offers" are not available for this type of ebay sale. It has to run its course. The seller has only sold 2 items on Ebay and this is the second one, so make of that what you may. If your still keen, I would again ask for clearer pics ....particularly of the reverse side of the tsuka and saya (none shown so far) and the scabbard throat to see if matching numbers....this is quite relevant to the final sale price. If you don't get those pics, again personally, I would give it a miss. In any event...google the sale recent prices of Type 95's (not asking prices) and there is some info on this on NMB, auction sites etc. Maybe ask NMB (Military Swords thread) if any members with 95's live near you. They could send you a personal message (PM)....most will help you get 'hands on' if they can. Rob
  12. Hello Noah, i agree with Bruce@Bruce Pennington but I just haven't seen a sarute quite that clean in silver. New to me. Rob
  13. Looks like it Bruce@Bruce Pennington I won't be seeing him until late January so I will ask him to send me a clearer picture. Rob
  14. Thanks Franco ...yes short Wakazashi, my error. Will pass on handling tips and look up 'shakudo finish' myself. Rob
  15. Brilliant...all translations very much appreciated Koichi-san. Rob
  16. I came across a wakizashi today that had three mons located on the fuchi. All appear to be the same family line (haven't checked that yet) but interestingly there is gold and black one on one side of the fuchi and another gold one on the other side. The mei for this tanto is currently on on the translation thread. Rob
  17. And lastly the 97 mounted stain-resistant blade. Thanks again Rob
  18. The second blade ...a tanto wakizashi that may be quite special and/or old....any comment on that would also be appreciated. Thankyou Rob
  19. Greetings, I am currently away from home and therefore swordless, bookless and therefore a little more than usual, clueless. My friend (new best friend ) has a couple of blades in need of translation... a 98 mounted blade, a tanto and a 'stainless 97 mounted blade. I will post each separately and will also add the tanto's kamon (s) to the mon thread for interest (3 x mons on one fuchi!) Thankyou Rob
  20. No ..nothing Piers...and I think you might have answered my question could be anything because I'm definitely not in the know Thanks mate.
  21. Hello, Would anyone be able to tell what this character is and if its Japanese?. It appears on two 'Japanese prints' (?). Thankyou Rob
  22. Hello John from the two pictures posted, I agree the sword is legit. To your question of numbering time line for different arsenals @Stegel or @Shamsy or other 95 buffs may be able to add something.
  23. Can't make out the sarute barrel but from the last picture I can see where a second ashi has been fitted in the past. So with the centred chuso and pierced tsuba = Type 94 koshirae?
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