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Everything posted by robinalexander

  1. HI Dan...none of my business but just out of interest but how many Tsuba do you own? I fully understand if you don't wish to say...... in that case just give me a 'no comment'
  2. If I'm not mistaken Dee, you have already thought that
  3. Would you knowingly buy a gimei blade? Yes. As you have said its a nice blade, you like it and (bonus) it's priced correctly. Buy it!
  4. Tks Kevin welcome. Will have a look at pics when I get home...others might chime in too
  5. KA (do you have a name?) ... A picture or two of the problem would be helpful. Sam is on the right track. My only variation is that I have used Silicon Repair Tape with great success. I don't leave it on....I only use it to hold the job in place until its set. Then remove it. It has no glue and sticks to itself like Sam's Teflon tape. Silicon tape can stretch to three times its length so that allows you gauge the appropriate holding strength you need depending on how robust or fragile your job is....also common water based glues will not stick to it.
  6. Thanks Maurice it's hard to read I know .... I'll work on Kubo Hitoshi
  7. Tks Baz your point was spot on .....unfortunately our OS friends and younger OZ members won't have a clue what we're talking about
  8. Do you mean Mr Squiggle, Miss Pat?
  9. I have a map case with what I think maybe ..... Hisa Yasu (something)? Thank you
  10. Yep tks mate @Stephen fully understand that but I have to say you really did put it well. My ref to 'carry on' vs 'go on' was more of a broad shot by NCO's at Officers who do 'carry on' a lot with unnecessary and sometimes unreasonable crap. It's a rank thing and, of course, never mentioned within earshot of an Officer. Had some really great Officers (mates) and a few not so ..... therefore you salute the rank not the person. Bet you've been in that situation. As far as being upside down.....no ....we're all normal down here!
  11. Not sure what prompted that mate, but all sounds good to me. Segway......back in my day Officers got told to "carry on" ....other ranks were told to "go on"
  12. Well that's a little bit special John .... very nice to have that info
  13. Well Piers I just typed three responses and, on reflection, deleted each one.....lol, Im not falling for that one (its BIG ) PS .....Not 'BIG' as in the NMB member, he is ok
  14. That will do a 95 nicely Eric.
  15. Hi Eric, Gun oil is fine for a Type 95 but not for others Type 98, 97 etc and Nihonto. I use Camellia or Choji oil on all of mine but that's only because have it. But you will receive other opinions Just search on oil on this website and you will find a wealth of knowledge (and opinion) in regard to looking after blades that are higher grade than 95's. If gun oil is good enough for you rifle in that climate, then its good enough for a 95 IMO. Only the blade that should need regular oiling but keep yiu eye on any rust that may develop on the saya. Unlike other Gunto and Nihonto, 95's are not made to be disassembled for maintenance and I advise against it as they don't always go back together as snugly, and besides there is nothing to see on the nakago.
  16. Tks mate, I was starting to feel a little like Robinson Crusoe.
  17. Whoever (?) posted this did it for shock value only. Nothing else. The OP and following commentary shows this. Real schoolyard stuff. If it wasn't specifically intended to be devisive then it was quite an error of judgement in terms of 'reading an audience'
  18. Well it's a rare thing that I 'award' a Downvote, but on this occassion it is well deserved.
  19. Yep ...thought about it and a repro couldn't really be minty so gave that a miss.
  20. I'm seeing red lights as well. Can't even imagine there be many straps around in this condition albeit wi5h poor quality fittings. I'd pass.
  21. Yep...new/repro.
  22. I reckon John is right about this ....So often wondered the same thing and I just wouldn't buy one unless it had credible provenance. Its funny, whenever these appear at auction, and three did the other day in Oz, the dirty ragged one always goes for a bucket load more than ones like the above.....but ones like the above still sell I look at the seemingly never ending supply of these on the market and wonder when a pic of a 'goodluck flag' shop in China will emerge. If you do buy it Marsel, send it to me for a couple of weeks....I'm sure I will be able to make it look 'a lot better', and that will certainly increase its value. No disrespect intended
  23. Steve when you say this, do you mean sideways rather than length ways? If so, a 'fold' of paper/light cardboard inserted into the Tsuka (with Mekugi ana) will tighten it up. Just play with paper prototypes to get exact shape/length before deciding on thickness. I had a civilian Wak the came back from New Guinea with 'the local paper of the day' (1945?) inserted to tighten things up. I have always believed that where there is a fair amount of 'sideways slop' in a Tsuka, it is more often due to a replacement Tsuka rather than any shrinkage ... but that is only my belief. Your fittings appear to be nicely matched if not original. If it's a Mekugi peg the they are easily made and 'aged' to match ....as Eric indicated, yours is probably not the original....they are a replaceable item. PS ..I also cannot stand a 'wobbly Tsuka'
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