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Everything posted by robinalexander

  1. Josh, Grey (above) is so right....just take in, what he is meaning
  2. Hi William..do you think there is a message in the above! But seriously, I'm with Bruce and am learning toward a farming implement for harvesting Goya or Sugar Cane. But IMO I wouldn't say it's a 'sword' in the context of what is normally dealt with here.
  3. Sorry mate...any hold out was unintentional. Feeling lazy, can u let me know the date pls. Sri Jon ...don't want to hijack yr thread.
  4. Spot on David Second pic is my Kaneuji for comparison. Third pic shows Kaneuji's Kokuin
  5. Thanks Piers, you provided the (almost) perfect opportunity to ask the question....what the heck is on this Kanehisa 98. Is this animal, mineral or vegetable?
  6. Where we're pretty friendly here ..... and most members from non-English speaking countries use their real Christian or first name without the need to translate it into something it is not. Just a common courtesy, that's all. But courtesy and protocol aside ..... this did remind me of my favorite Abbot and Costello clip. Who's on First .... so to go even further
  7. Wow Jonathan....any more pics or info on this? Possibly a lot more modern than ancestral?
  8. If you dont ask, you don't receive...eh Bruce
  9. Hi Alex, Agree with John above, plus IMO ...... 1. the Ashi looks a little high on the saya which is not a major prob but it has a leather sleeve under it which means its not part of that saya. if thats a wooden saya then it may have shrunk but really, that is a little too much shrinkage. 2. the Ashi itself looks a bit rough ....corrosion or badly cast? I favour the latter as it seems to have retained paint 'over' the imperfections. 3. speaking of imperfections, the tsuba looks a bit rough as well (pic 3 and 6) 4. the sarute surround is one that I am not familiar with. All my 98's have close variations of the one in the attached picture. Not keen on they one you are looking at. 5. the shinogi in the last picture looks as crooked as my leg but that may just be the distortion from the pictures (they are really bad.) 6. there is a distinct lack of seppa, top and bottom, that could be legit but considering all the other 'little probs' its starting to sound like a 'put together' to me. 7, general lack of detail in the fittings ....maybe late war or some pieces may not be war at all [RED FLAG for me] I don't know why the seller would be "concerned" about removing the tsuka. If he/she has any experienced at all then it shouldn't be an issue. From the pics the mekugi peg has been in and out more times than I have had breakfast. You can tell so much from the nakago.....(hope its not glued together ) Final word....I collect and enjoy a sword that has 'been there, done that' .... I have some goodies and some roughies but they are all fully real ... I also like taking a risk occasionally but on the information provided so far, I would leave this 'package' where it is. Good luck. Rob PS if you do buy it, I would love to see some better pics.
  10. Great find John. Please excuse my digression from specific 'sword' info. In my head, I was trying to correlate the figures in the first Table in so far as the number (ratio) of Officers to OR's surrendering in those specific locations. I soon realised the recorded numbers wouldn't necessarily indicate true numbers. Probably fair to say there was one Officer for each sword but no way of knowing how many troops (OR's) there were as many bayonets...rifles etc could have been in armouries. Uber analysing again but nonetheless, I find this very interesting...tks
  11. Type 95's are getting ridiculous high prices. Particularly if matching.
  12. Hi Mark... for your interest, here is a Kanehisa (Ozawa) of mine. This is a Type 98 through and through except for the menuki. However many other 95 components are higher end.
  13. Col, the one on the left is sort of rectangular in the brass but at over 2500 FPS it makes a 'roundish' hole. One can speculate, romanticise or just take a wild guess that fits a narrative (especially in sales) but at the end of the day you are 100% correct in that "we'll never know"
  14. Thanks Brian, you raised a valid topic and sought respectable responses...good work. Reading the first half of your post I thought, I will comment and in so doing, suggest the word 'tsuba' also mean 'blade' as the very same things apply in your context. However as I read your post and got to the end , you said ...... "I also know that by posting this, I am throwing myself to the wolves! So, bring it on if you feel so inclined! I will take the wolves responses one at a time (or maybe not respond at all, it depends on how many wolves there are in the pack!). Onward my friends!" Well I didn't have a clue what you meant or why you even bother including that BUT I was saddend to read the level that your topic/question was taken to within hours of posting. Is it just me being naive...what the hell. The underlying personal dislikes certainly emerged so quickly (Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!!!) I couldn't believe what came from members and how far off topic it was. I understand why you closed the thread and I don't blame you....close this too if you want, I won't be offended. But I regard to your question ... please, no special section or rules for Newbies. There is no kindergarten in the Army....you rely on the experience and wisdom of others...that's how you learn. That's how the system works. Yes, some can be a little more abrupt than others but that is life. That's all part of learning. There are so many great members here and I don't want to single any individuals out but they know who they are ....always offering answers, always offering links...always giving. So please let Newbies just 'join the fray' and learn from those willing to give. (At this point I thought I just heard Stephen say 'peace brother')
  15. Not a bullet...LV or HV. Bullets are round...they make round shapes.....even when tumbling, still roundish...not rectangular. If its period damage then its most likely shrapnel. The combat cover is certainly not original 'cause no hole in it' .....so cover is post war or post damage at best.
  16. I agree Mark...totally the dark here but if you are willing and able, would like to see some pics of this old blade. Very interesting!
  17. How old are you Paris @Kantaro ?. been collecting long?
  18. 71 ...started 6 or so years ago ...resigned to the fact that i will always know more about Type 95's than Nihonto (regardless of how little that may be)
  19. Well Kyle......I admit I am no expert on WW2 'Good Luck Flags' but hey....imo this is not one of them.
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