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yurie last won the day on June 18 2019

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About yurie

  • Birthday 07/03/1948

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  • Location:
    Los Angeles California
  • Interests
    Japanese sword, Piano, Violin, Opera, Stock Market

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  • Name
    Yurie Endo Halchak

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  1. Los Angeles fire.  This is from my backyard at night on 1/10/2025.



    fire night.jpg

    1. Bugyotsuji


      Stay safe, Yurie San. Hoping the wind keeps blowing away from you!

    2. yurie


      Thank you.

  2. @Stephen Hi Stephen, I am kicking myself for not taking photos of my daughter, Robert Hughes, me, and a few other people who sat near me. It was so much fun that by the time I realized I had not taken the photos, it was almost the end of the tour. I took these photos at the last minute. The food was wonderful (Tenpura was cooked on the boat and served on the spot). A couple of people sang Karaoke, and later we sang along together. Outside of the boat, we were surrounded by many high-rise buildings with huge numbers of lights, went under a bridge, and saw many other boats like us. Soken-do (sword store) sent me more photos of my swords. This time, side-view.
  3. Hi, Everyone, I attended DTI and bought one, 長船倫光 (Osafune Tomomitsu, Mumei He was a student of Osafune Kagemitsu. Around Enbun・Jyoji era(1356-1367) This is O-suriage which is fine for me since my arm is short, otherwise I can not open the sword by myself. This was the one displayed inside the glass case of the Sokendo booth. The Kissaki needed a little polish, so I left it for the polish. The person who took this photo stood at the lower end, therefore, the entire shape is distorted. On the Keicho-do thread, I posted the photos of the Yakata-bune party hosted by Mr. Robert Hughes. It was great fun. Thank you, Mr. Robert Hughes. I have more photos, but it does not allow me to attach. The kissaki is between the chu-gissaki and o-gissaki.
  4. Dai Token Ichi was wonderful. Mr. Robert Hughes hosted the "Yakatabune party" like any other year. This is a tour boat around Tokyo Bay with Japanese dinner and drinks. I joined the party with my daughter. Here are the photos. Thank you, Mr. Robert Hughes.
  5. Hi, To pay and to receive money, "Zelle" may be easiest. I understand that PayPal may be for a smaller amount. Before you go to the show, set up the Zelle on your cell. Usually, anybody who accepts Zelle may have a QR code with him. Take a picture of the QR code, then enter the amount. The transaction should show quickly on your cell. It may require several times of practice. Here is the photo of the 2024 San Francisco Token Kai
  6. Hi Everyone, The Sano Museum trip had a big turn. Things changed after the head of the Sano Museum, Mis Watanabe passed in February. Their new policy or the old policy was revived, the museum canceled the viewing gathering only a month and a half before the planned date. I panicked!! Thanks to one of the members of the Nihon-to Message Board, Adrian Schlemmer took charge of the gathering. He set up a wonderful sword-viewing gathering near his house. I can not thank him enough. 1 and 2 photo : viewing scene 3rd photo : entering a wonderful restaurant 4th photo : Dinner in the separate dining room
  7. No, nothing has changed. Ms. Watanabe already assigned a new head of the Museum a few years back. A new person, Ms. Shida is the person I am talking to and arranging in detail about the visit. Thank you Yurie
  8. Anybody interested in buying an E-book, can go to my website and read it for free. www.studyingjapaneseswords.com I am in the process of changing the publishing company. It is taking longer than I expected. but once it is done, no more problems, I hope. It has been a nightmare. Thank you very much for interested in reading my book I really appreciate it. Yurie
  9. Hi, Everyone I started to receive sign-up sheets from those who decided to visit the Sano Museum on 5/29/2024. I am thinking the limit of the number of people would be around 15 people. Anyone who sends me the sign-up sheet would be the first priority. People who showed interest in going in the past in this thread, I recommend to send me the sign-up sheet. Thank you Yurie
  10. Hi, This is Yurie. My husband and I would like to join you at the Friday dinner at 7:30. Please add us to the dinner gathering. We will be driving, so we have 3 spaces (may be tight) for anybody who needs a ride to the restaurant. Looking forward Yurie
  11. Ogawa sensei(Metropolitan Museum honorary adviser & Boston Museum honorary manager) is giving a lecture on Japanese swords and armor on Japanese TV, NHK. It will be on Jan/21/2024, 10:30 ~ 12:00 am(Japan time). No English translation, sorry. The link to sign up; https://nhk-groupmal...20231111_samurailive Thank you Yurie
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  12. TO: Nihonto message board member, I attached the sign-up sheet for the Sano Museum visit on 5/29/2024. Please fill in and email me back those who have the intention of visiting. Thank you. Yurie Sano Museum sign-up sheet.pdf
  13. Please open the attachments. This is the corrected general itinerary of the day and the list of swords we will view. More detailed information will follow in the next post here, items like 1. How to visit the Sano Museum (Shinkansen (bullet train) info). 2. What to say to the taxi driver to get to the Museum 3. The sign-up sheet for participants 4. due date for the cost Mishima Taisha illustration SCHEDULE OF THE SANO MUSEUM VISIT ON May 29.pdf
  14. Sorry, Yes, I meant May 29. Thank you very much. Really appreciate it. I will change it right away.
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