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Eddie Tree

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    Edward R

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  1. Thanks very much for your input. Really appreciated. You’ve helped me decide and I will wait for one with mei which was my gut feeling.
  2. Hi I’m brand new here so be gentle ???? Please move this if I’m in wrong forum I hope someone can help me in next six hours to avoid a regrettable mishap I’ve been offered a Shodai Nobutaka Katana with later koshirae that I was intending to purchase in shirisaya only as I will be commissioning daisho fittings when travelling to Japan next year. Trouble with the katana is it is mumei (with npo papers attributing it to this swordsmith) but the owner is asking me to make an offer and well, i have no idea really. It has no visible flaws and has a hamon matching my wakisashi so I’m very interested as katana with mei for Nobutaka are the proverbial. Even so like the majority of buyers I guess I would prefer a signed sword. Can anyone can help a newbie with a ballpark value? or is it the majority opinion to wait for a signed example which seem to ask around $9k usd (and means I sell my car to pay for it). Thanks for reading
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