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  1. . very thanks
  2. Hi, could you help me with the translation, thank you very much. Daniel.
  3. Iga Ryu means School or Style of Iga that next to Koga are the zones where the shinobi clans were.
  4. I agree with the partner, I practice Bujinkan and I have to say that it has nothing to do with the movies that were made in the 80/90 on the ninjas, it is Budo, the way of the warrior, greetings.
  5. thanks and regards
  6. Hi, I need help to translate the mei, thanks and regards. Daniel
  7. efferybody knovs zat zee Germans haf no humor!
  8. As you will know the Prince of Bel-Air, greetings
  9. Ninjato signed tang , Iga province . Impossible?????
  10. Hello everyone, I have not written here for a while but if I was aware of the forum, this topic interests me because I was following an auction that I found interesting because the sword was in the EU and so there were no tariff problems, but I was inquiring about the MEI and according to an MEI search engine of nihonto the Mei did not exist therefore it was a GIMEI sword, thanks to Forums like this one can be learning, a greeting Daniel.
  11. Hello John, as I see you want to try it if or if, the most natural and least damaging to the blade is to polish it with Japanese stones Hazuya and with Agua I assure you that you will remove the oxide but also its original polish, you will have the clean sheet and soft to the touch, the photos that I put in the previous comment are of an Otanto that clean of rust, but the result is that clean blade of rust but nothing else, I hope I could have helped you. Greetings to all the members. Daniel
  12. Hello John, another option is not to spend more money on pieces that have no arrangement and save it for when you can buy a piece in good condition, I say it as a tip because that katana without a polishing will look bad, I have restored some piece in better state than that and neither the hamon nor the fairy is appreciated, it will simply look like an old katana. A greeting to all Daniel.
  13. DanielGJ

    Miniature Tachi

    Hello everyone, does anyone know if these blades are made with tamahagane? thanks and best regards. Daniel
  14. Not all blades by Jumei Tosho swordsmiths were star stamped. If the blade was a private or direct purchase or not for military use, there will be no stamp appearing on the nakago. Many of the above listed smiths made gendaito which do not bear a star stamp. Smiths who were Jumei Tosho also produced non-traditionally made (non gendaito) blades. Each blade must be just individually, on its own merits. https://www.japaneseswordindex.com/gendai2.htm
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