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Everything posted by AZPhil

  1. Student question here? I know of the cutting test info being done in gold paint. But what is the red painted Kanji? is this the Mei painted on?
  2. I was a Junior in High school, when one day while riding the bus to school, I was talking about a Japanese Bayonet that I had gotten WHEN the kid in front of me turns around and say's What you all want to hear! " My Dad has a Japanese sword that he got from a museum during the war" I ask If his dad would sell it. He say's my dad in a insane asylem But yeah He would sell it to me. We met at a place called 5 points in Philadelphia( Not New York), Its an intersection of 5 avenues. There on that day I paid $25 bucks for a Uchigatana with a Nagasa of 80cm.The Blade was in great shape, I could see myself in the reflection. it was mounted in a saya that was maroon in color. It didn't have a tusba. But for $25 I wasn't complaining!!!! I would, thru time find myself diving into every book I could get my hand on the subject of Nihonto!!! And Just recently BECAUSE of this VERY SITE 30 years later I was able to get an oshigata for MY Shodai Bunmei Bungo Nagamori!!!! Thanks GD and NMB
  3. Happy New Years to all ,and thank you for this great site
  4. Do you have a website Sir?
  5. I'll buy a ticket!!!!!
  6. AZPhil


    I agree! Very Nice!!!
  7. AZPhil

    mei help

    Sorry I can not help you, but the link does work.
  8. I know Wow wasn't what you meant......... But WOW that is Beautiful! PS:Awesome website Thanks! Phil
  9. Can't help you on the How'd they do that? But that is Beautiful. I LIKE IT ALLLLOOOOOTTTTT!!!!!
  10. How about good old sand paper and elbow grease??? As for the pic's, I would start with taking the saya off :D
  11. AZPhil

    Alloy or Iron??

    Thank you
  12. AZPhil

    Alloy or Iron??

    Hello to all I have a Nagamori Uchigatana from the Bungo region in the Bunmei time frame that does not have a Tsuba. I did a little research and it seems that at this time frame they used both iron and soft metal alloy's(brass,copper, combo's). Does anybody know what type of tsuba would have been on this Ito? Or what School was in that area? In short. What should I look for? Thanks
  13. This is just a guess, but if it's a "Fake Tanto" maybe it's Faked Kanji and it was meant to fool and means nothing. ??????????? How about a Pic???
  14. Thank you very much Gentlemen!
  15. Here is the other half I could not resize the pic and still keep the resolution Sorry
  16. Hello to All First I would like to share this with the Gentleman that was so kind to share this info with me Thank you Sir! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I might just get out in my life time. This Oshigata is out of the Nihonto Zuikan by Kataoka I have used my limited library ,every nihonto site that had a kanji feature and I even went to a Japanese kanji translation site and went thru 1000 character's and I still have not found some. I have marked them with a ????. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Phil
  17. Okay Big Hug!!!!!!! Well, I'm glad everybody got there panties unbunched :D How about some pic's of the Habaki!!!!!!
  18. Would it be possible to see a pic of the other side? Thanks
  19. Very Nice Devildog. What is that under the wrap of the tsuka? It doesn't look like Same(Ray skin). But it does look good! Semper Fi
  20. AZPhil

    oshigata request

    Thank you very much Sir!
  21. If someone could be so kind.. Does anybody have a oshigata for the Bungo 1 st gen.(æ°¸) nagamori? Thanks Phil
  22. Congrats! Looks good andrew. Welcome to the Club! Phil
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