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Everything posted by Ooitame

  1. Hello Christina, congratulations on the inheritance. Glad to hear you will keep them and take proper care. As Brian, stated these pictures will help greatly. Looking forward to them should you choose to share.
  2. I know, it is always sad to see glue or other adhesives used improperly. However, correlation is not 100% on direct glue to the nakago; only one way to know on this one.
  3. Before doing anything, I think we would all like clean shots/pictures of the fukure; especially the depth. Might be a shadow playing tricks, but if too deep removing the handle may be moot.
  4. If you were to remove the cord, use a razor and cut in line on the mune side. Slowly as you go deeper if needed. If you free you have hit or it sounds like metal stop! If you can get good straight cut the cord might stay intact. Next would be checking for glue. If serperastion is noàt easy it might be the mekugi pin. Either way use a softer material at the end of the handle, and the split is easily seen and slightly tap to see if it opens or moves. If it does easily most likely not glued or worn. If not then there could be a pin and would require removal of the cord to check. If no pin is seen, then assume a glue. It may require cuts on bith sides to get a good split. Either way slow, steady and carefully. Good luck!
  5. Thank you @Grey Doffin, can be done with non metal tools, diffenerent shapes e.g. flat; pointed and rounded ike a punch.... I leave it to Grey, has generously offered guidance. Too be fair, even if wiggling and so on the cord wrap may not ne a big loss. However, preservation and best practices should be followed. In any event, good luck and looking forward to any updates.
  6. Hard to say if the Saya was for another sword. Fittings can lose grip over time rather then re-attching in a traditional manner, seems Zip ties were their choice. I would take a closer look at the ware in the mune, shinogi-ji.
  7. Looking closer at the given images, the sword looks to be real, maybe older given the shape. Laying it flat and taking pictures from above may help. I do not think the cord needs to be cut off. The middle wrap should be where the pin is. I can see it looks to have been moved around slightly, I would check there if you wish to remove the handle.
  8. Hi Noah, interesting sword. I agree with Bradley, looks like tsuba and habaki are Japanese. I like the tsuba. Without better pictures of the blade, preferably with all fittings off can tell us more. Someone will most likely come here soon and provide reference for care and handling. Until then I would recommend not doing anything to the sword.
  9. How is reputation calculated?
  10. I agree with @SteveM, and good definitions. Congratulations on the new sword, looks healthy! As time goes you will find and learn more with this piece.
  11. Hello all, I have type3 Koshirea that could use a lite touch up as some small areas have fallen off, any recommendations? Thanks TSA and bag/hard case handler!
  12. Awesome Soshu exhibit! Thanks for the show and all those who provided knowledge.
  13. Will do my best to make it tomorrow!
  14. I was thinking that, the shape fits.
  15. @Jon a little pricey, looks like a decent study or restoration piece. Too bad no shots of the bare blade, I can see the habaki has wiggle as can be seen by some polish underneath. This to me would be a bit concerning. I agree, the Kozuka is nice!
  16. You're welcome, a great place to network, ask questions, and see many examples in hand to gain knowledge. The Soshu exhibit/lecture will be most interesting, love me old school Soshu. Could never afford my dream of a Norishige, maybe one day. However, thanks to a very generous member here during a previous show I was able to examine one in hand, learned from that experience; in addition to examining items at the show for sale.
  17. Hi Joel, I was a newbie and chased different things, asked ignorant or possibly irrelevant questions. Some will reply honestly and without disrespect, some will do the opposite. 99% of the replies and help I get are with honesty in their thoughts and without disrespect intended. Not telling anyone what to do, but be easy, take your time, do not read too much into replies as far as intent, and sometimes have thick skin.
  18. In the show section, look for Orlando.
  19. Hi Joel, I see you are in Florida, there is an upcoming show. I believe Moses will be there, if you can make it I would talk with him, plus is also located somewhere in Florida. Very knowledgeable and friendly man. https://nihontoantiques.com/about/
  20. Up to you, but you can always submit it to a togishi and see if there is something worth preserving. Via a window and expert expert advice. P.S. I had a Nagamitsu RJT polished and still amazes me to today what s good polish cand do. For a tanto, one looking Edo period, worth a short, windows are cheap and advice is good, check for reputable togishi though.
  21. I agree it may have been carried by a Japanese soldier. The laquer is my que to trying to match other sword fittings and Koshirae of the time.
  22. I would say given the interesting wrap, tha painted items, possible older blade, during WWII. I would highly suggest removing the tsuka and habaki, for a better eval.
  23. Well done, congratulations!
  24. Ok, my question is how to prove provenance? I am not sure if swords were often kept in a list of owners? How common is it that blades passed downed were documented, except swords like Masmune, Norishige etc...
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