Hello everyone, and thank you for your replies as I learn alot from these honest discussions. I see my question has raised many good points about shinsa, oragami swords vs quality and price, and interesting points as to my blade. I will try to keep this post small as there are many replies and I do not want to disrupt the disccusion flow too much.
Josh - I am not familiar with what your are refering as to the somewhat slagish areas, can you explain what this means or point to a resource?
Also, thanks for pointing out the burnishing marks. I had no idea about this until you said something, prompting research. http://www.nihontoantiques.com/archive/polishing,%20step%20by%20step.htm
are you saying this as the lines are not as straight as an arrow? Also could these marks be used to help identify the polisher?
I personally do not have a issue with the current payment and tiered approach. It makes sense to have to work your way up the ladder and this will definitely create a buffer given the increasing volume. But, this does add to the price and will leave many good blades paperless as a result. As pointed out by a few in this thread, this will not improve quality, but rather confirm it. Of course I have seen blades that make me wonder how they got to that level, there are always exceptions I guess; plus I am very early in this area and by no means an expert as those at NBTHK. There was a interesting comment about timing and competition when submitting. As well as, submitting at a latter time.
I personally believe this sword to be a 2.5/4 (wishful thinking maybe), if we use the 4 tiered system. Glad to see others confirm this, at least a 2/4, with the good and average quality in this blade. Furthermore, the family lineage and blades produced gen.s 1-4 also add to the rating; not to say all are the same. I believe this maker is also ranked as ryo-wazamano, can anyone confirm this?
I have a feeling this is a solid candidate for TBH, and it is looking more and more like I should submit... much to consider from this thread.
Here are some links I believe point to or discuss this maker, any others or comments are very very welcome!