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Everything posted by Ooitame

  1. Hi Martin, and welcome! Looking forward to seeing your site.
  2. Hello Michael, the research is very much appreciated, thank you! You are correct, I am not one who necessarily seeks monetary gain from this blade. Rather, the paper would be to aid in appreciation and enjoyment of the blade. Well... I have learned never say never, and should I ever need to sell it I suppose it definitely helps. Hello Luis, I admitted in my post my wishful thinking (2.5). However, I do realize this and why I started the post as to get more opinions on the subject. Thank you for the best wishes. Hello Jean, my sincere apologizes, I completely missed your post earlier. I am having trouble locating this thread, I have tried a word search as well as using a member search, the member search for Darcy brought 1 result but when I click for the posts and topics I can not see it. If possible, could you please provide a link
  3. Hi Rayhan, I was using https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wazamono#cite_note-nagayama-2for a name match, I see miyoshi is missing thanks for the clarification. Interesting link that leads to more links, I see this question will need more research. Happy new year and enjoy the catch up sleep!
  4. I have found Aoi to be honest on the dealings I am familiar with and should there be a mistake he has corrected sufficiently. I had three questions, but in this good back and forth may have been lost in the hozon sauce. Jreid pointed out the burnishing marks and related those to the skill of the polisher, does he relate that as the lines are not straight as an arrow or other reason? Could the burnishing marks also be used to aid in confirming who the polisher was? Also, can someone confirm this smith is ranked as ryo-wazamano?
  5. Hi rayhan, thanks for the links. As for the koshirae I asked Aoi for their opinon on it. I will summarize what I remeber from my head what I was told, I could submit but was advised against as it would not really be economically worth it. Interesting tsuba, hard to zoom and get a good look on this phone.
  6. Hello rayhan and gakusee, you both mentioned looking at what has passed and failed, is there a site for this? Barry and rayhan, I agree buy the sword not the paper, which was what I did... all be it a little above what I would have prefered. But for this smith and the style are unique and rare combination from my understanding. I have no desire or illsusion of Juyo for this blade, in my lifetime anyway.
  7. Hello everyone, and thank you for your replies as I learn alot from these honest discussions. I see my question has raised many good points about shinsa, oragami swords vs quality and price, and interesting points as to my blade. I will try to keep this post small as there are many replies and I do not want to disrupt the disccusion flow too much. Josh - I am not familiar with what your are refering as to the somewhat slagish areas, can you explain what this means or point to a resource? Also, thanks for pointing out the burnishing marks. I had no idea about this until you said something, prompting research. http://www.nihontoantiques.com/archive/polishing,%20step%20by%20step.htm are you saying this as the lines are not as straight as an arrow? Also could these marks be used to help identify the polisher? I personally do not have a issue with the current payment and tiered approach. It makes sense to have to work your way up the ladder and this will definitely create a buffer given the increasing volume. But, this does add to the price and will leave many good blades paperless as a result. As pointed out by a few in this thread, this will not improve quality, but rather confirm it. Of course I have seen blades that make me wonder how they got to that level, there are always exceptions I guess; plus I am very early in this area and by no means an expert as those at NBTHK. There was a interesting comment about timing and competition when submitting. As well as, submitting at a latter time. I personally believe this sword to be a 2.5/4 (wishful thinking maybe), if we use the 4 tiered system. Glad to see others confirm this, at least a 2/4, with the good and average quality in this blade. Furthermore, the family lineage and blades produced gen.s 1-4 also add to the rating; not to say all are the same. I believe this maker is also ranked as ryo-wazamano, can anyone confirm this? I have a feeling this is a solid candidate for TBH, and it is looking more and more like I should submit... much to consider from this thread. P.S. Here are some links I believe point to or discuss this maker, any others or comments are very very welcome! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wazamono#cite_note-nagayama-2 http://www.nihontocraft.com/Three_Shinto_Cutters.html https://books.google.com/books?id=Ho8_DQAAQBAJ&pg=PA122&lpg=PA122&dq=Miyoshi+Masanaga+wazamono&source=bl&ots=eQYGtlMShb&sig=yDlSQdlos1TRcRUAaxC7g-XImTA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjClfL39p3YAhXL4CYKHfSfD_YQ6AEISjAJ#v=onepage&q=Miyoshi%20Masanaga%20wazamono&f=false https://books.google.com/books?id=46IYtI0nkiEC&pg=PA357&lpg=PA357&dq=Miyoshi+Masanaga+wazamono&source=bl&ots=BRCc38WXMs&sig=-ii-mI6Ra5_bqY6-hKXaOh4ezQw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiezYXH8Z3YAhWJKiYKHSYlAIoQ6AEIPTAG#v=onepage&q=Miyoshi%20Masanaga%20wazamono&f=false
  8. I agree, it did to me as well; one of the bigger reasons for the purchase. I have accepted his word and submitted for hozon. Who are you experienced in dealing with? I am trying to get others wisdom in this area and gague whether or not to have it submitted at a higher level. Of course with just pictures it may be impossible, but worth the ask...
  9. Hi Alex, I thought for 2017 the rules changed? That is a fair point. Here is an item I recently purchased and am on the fence about submitting at this level http://www.sword-auction.jp/en/content/as17539-脇差:奥州会津住三善政長3代-wakizashi-ousyu-aizu-jyu-miyoshi-masanaga-3rd-generation
  10. Hi everyone, I have read a few things about shinsa and what makes a blade worthy of each level. However, most items regarding the topic are very general. I am wondering what this community thinks or has expereinced relating to what will lift a blade to Tokubetsu? Eric
  11. I should have my blade in time for this show. Vermithrax16 let me know if you are going and I will bring it if you wanted to examine. Eric
  12. Hi Bob, thank you for the link. An interesting discussion, I can see I have much to learn. Best of luck on the shinsa. Eric
  13. Thanks Raymond.
  14. Hello everyone, Wondering what left and right side translate to in english (US).
  15. NihontoCollector, Emma I will post the results when I hear back. Thanks Emma, I understand... I was a little skeptical at first, but all the things going for this blade made it worth the unknown at the time. Thanks Bob, I have not considered that name. I was considering ChuOoitame, but am not sure if thats correct. It is quite an honor to have the blade referenced to Norishige. Do you have a link to that discussion? Stephen, I enjoy a good balde with nashiji hada. But, this blade does have a unique character. Thanks Vermithrax16, I agree definitely an interesting blade.
  16. Hi Brian, thanks for the site your team runs here. The guarantee is always good to have and I think will hold true. Since this was my first purchase of nihonto, I was looking for a blade to thoroughly enjoy and this one was too beautiful to pass up.
  17. Hello everyone, I was the one who bought this Wakizashi. I also saw that it was up for auction previously about a month ago. I thought twice before bidding, but it looked like the person never finished payment or bought another item. I am having it submitted for Shinsa (NBTHK); for extra peace of mind. If anyone is curious as to the results of Shinsa, let me know and I will post it here when I know. I have never heard of an acid bath being used before and then selling it like that.... hoping just a good polish and interesting Hamon and Jihada work. If it was chemically treated, what are the long term effects and will it fail Shinsa?
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